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Type Humanoid, Romulan subtype
Ability Score Modifier +2 Str, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity, Romulans share the increased strength of their Vulcan kin, but are much better at taking advantage of social situations. However, they tend towards stiff and ridged movements, leaving them somewhat less agile than humans.
Size medium
Speed 30
Language Romulan

Romulan 4 HP   Vulcan Ancestry Romulans are descended from Vulcans, and are physiologically similar to them. While distinct enough to measure as different creatures on scanners, they nonetheless share most of their genetic material with Vulcans. Romulans suffer no penalty when disguising themselves as Vulcans, and count as having the Vulcan subtype (in addition to the Romulan subtype)   Copper Blooded Romulans receive a +2 saves vs. poison and disease. Romulan blood is copper-based, as opposed to Iron Based. As such, typical diseases and poisons that effect most other humanoids have a reduced effect on Romulans.   Psychic Trace While Romulans seem to have genetically lost the psychic ability to mindmeld, they still have some residual psychic skill, which can shore up their mental defenses. Romulans gain a +2 to saves against spells that seek to read or control their thoughts (such as detect thoughts or Dominate Person.)   Devious and Distrustful Romulan society is not one built on trust. The secretive Tal-Shiar secretly sends agents to test the loyalty of suspected dissidents, and everyone learns to watch their neighbor, both to watch them for signs of disloyalty, and for fear of being watched for the same. Romulans gain a +2 racial bonus to Bluff and Sense Motive. High Pain Tolerance A favored Romulan past time is torture. The death penalty is made intentionally excruciating, Romulan Mental probes are designed to be painful, and there is even talk of some Romulans ritualistically scaring themselves. As such, most Romulans develop a tolerance for pain. They gain a +2 bonus to saves vs. pain effects (such as a Mind-breaker's Share Pain ability)

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Pathfinder Race
