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Type Humanoid, Cardassian Subtype
Ability Score Modifier +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis Cardassia prime is much less hospitable than Golarion was, and as a result Cardassians are more hearty. Additionally, their schooling drills eidetic memorization and results in a highly educated society. However, the brainwashing the state does to keep the keep the population in line leads many Cardassians to be short-sighted and not to see the bigger picture.
Size medium
Speed 30
Language Cardassian

Cardassians 6 HP   Desert Planet Cardassians come from an arid desert planet and receive a +2 to saves vs. heat effects   Master Manipulators Young Cardassian children are taught to study other races cultures' and then tailor their words to fit the situation, so as to get the most out of their social contacts. Cardassians receive a +2 racial bonus to culture, Bluff, diplomacy checks.   Low Light vision Cardassians can see in dim light as if it were normal light. See Vision and Light on page 261. Vesala Cardassians have large social networks (called Vesala) that they are constantly updating and cultivating. While in a familiar area where a Cardassian has time to forge connections (which takes about a week of downtime), a Cardassian gains a +2 bonus to culture checks to know about local celebraties and customs, and can gather information in 1/2 the normal time.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Pathfinder Race
