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Romulan War Bird

Aura:Caster Level:Body Slot:Price:Weight:  

A prototype ship designed for exactly one thing. Infiltrating enemy territory, destroying enemy instillation, and slipping out. The ship has minimal shielding and amenities, but one very large weapon it can use to destroy whole space stations. Prototype Stealth Warship CR 9 Huge Cruiser Speed 8: Manuverability: Average (+0, turn 2) Drift 1 AC 19, TL 25 HP 230, DT:5, CT:46 Medium Shields 100 (25 to all Sections) Attacks: 1 Forward (Nuclear mega-Missle Launcher, 5d8x10), 1 port (Empty), 1 Starbord (Empty), 1 Turret(Medium Nuclear Missle Launcher 10d8) Power Core: Nova Ultra (300 PCU), Drift Enghine: Signal Basic, Systems: Mk 2 Trinode computer (+2/+2/+2)Budget Mid-range Sensors (+0), Common crew quarters, Mk. 4 armor, Mk 10 Defenses Expansion Bays: Tech Workshop, Escape Pods, Medical Bay (3 cargo sections) Modifiers Min. Crew:20, Max Crew 100 Crew:   Captain Bluff +18 (9 ranks), Computers +20 (9 ranks), Intimidate +18 (9 ranks), Engineering +18 (9 ranks), gunnery +18, Engineer (1 officer, 20 crew) Engineering +18 (9 ranks) Gunners (2 officers, 10 crew each) gunnery +23 Pilot (1 officer, 3 crew) Piloting +18 (9 ranks) Science Officer Computers +20 (9 ranks)   Alternate rules: Invisibility Screen (imperfect cloaking device) -As an alternate rule, you can have the ship have an invisibility screen. While active, it renders the ship invisible, and makes it difficult to detect with sensors. Its TL raises to 30 (it is counted as having mk 15 defenses). It cannot be targeted by non-tracking weapons unless the science officer makes a DC 30 computers check every round (and even then, non-tracking weapons have a 50% miss chance.)   The ship cannot fire any weapons, raise shields, or enter the drift while its invisibility screen is up. It is also reduced to half speed. As an action that takes an entire starship round (all phases) the invisibility screen can be raised or lowered. The ship can do nothing during the round where the ship is raising or lowering its invisibility screen. While the screen is lowered, it is considered to have a TL of 20 (it is considered to have mk 5 defenses.)


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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Wondrous Item
