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Dumskaad Solkri

Medium Dwarf, Assault Infantry, Lawful Good

Armor Class 22 (Dumskaad Armor - Full Plate)
Hit Points 76hp 8d10+32
Speed: 15 ft


( +4 )


( +2 )


( +4 )


( +2 )


( +1 )


( +0 )

Saving Throws Strength (+9) Constitution (+9)
Skills According to Overall Abilities   Strength
Athletics (+9)
Endurance (+9)
Fortitude (+9)
Hardiness (+9)
Resilience (+9)
Religion (+7)
History (+7)
Perception (+6)
Damage Resistances Poison, Bludgeoning, Slashing
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened
Senses Darkvision
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish
Proficiency Bonus +3


The Dumskaad Solkri are among the most renowned of all Dwarfs, and as such are given the highest quality equipment and weapons. The weapons bestowed upon these Dwarfs are likewise as methodical as they are lethal. The weapons in their belonging are massive greataxes titled 'Griskestagge', translating to "Ashen thorns". Their armor is named 'Dumskaad', translating to "Dark Shade", a reference to their color and near impervious combat ability.   They possess some of the largest and heaviest weapons that a Dwarf can bear in combat, yet Dumskaad Dwarfs are likewise the strongest in all the military of any given Dwarfen empire. In the Era of Iron, more Dumskaad Dwarfs were blessed under the baptism of Leheskreva, the ancient city of the Legacy Dwarfs, than ever before. In this period, the Dwarfs had the near most confidence in themselves compared to any other period of time or era.   Dumskaad Solkri are Level 7 Dwarfs.


Responsibility. (Lawful) Dumskaad Dwarfs find themselves responsible for the betterment of their society and take the initiative to their own hands.


Drangur. (God of War) Dumskaad Solkri are baptised by an ancient organization known to the Dwarfs of Attrivicia the Sons of Drangur. Their baptism confirms their duties and obligations for the remainder of their lives after an intensive, disciplining training schedule.


Arrogance. (Intelligence) Dumskaad Dwarfs are indeed among the strongest and most capable of their kin, yet often become ignorant of their own choices and may postulate that their own decisions were the perfect ones, even when they may not be.

Suggested Environments

Most Dumskaad Dwarfs are found in the deepest caverns of Dwarfen excavation and expedition and often hold the strongest Dwarfs to challenge their opponents. As such, they are highly valuable and sought after in the militaries of the Dwarfen strongholds, especially those with the largest coffers to pay their troops with. However, it is not uncommon to find some of the Dumskaad soldiers out and around their homes and strongholds, some of which participate in daring missions with other fellow Dwarfs. Ultimately, Dumskaad Dwarfs are known for their prowess in cold and mountainous terrain, but they can be found even in the more moderately temperatured locations and flatter lands.


Griskestagge. +8 to hit, two targets. Two-Handed. 10 ft. cone, 20 3d10+4 Slashing damage.
The Griskestagge allows for their wielder to utilize the weight of their weapons in order to strike against two different creatures at once. This lethality conceptualizes the tenacity and killing power of the Dwarfish race.

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