More than just a grunt, the Combat Mecha Pilot is trained to survive in the most perilous conditions and operates enormous self-propelled machines of war, capable of fighting in any battlefield. They have to be smart, evasive yet unyielding to ensure their victory
hit dice:
hit points at 1st level:
6 + Constitution Modifier
hit points at higher levels:
1d6 (4) + Constitution Modifier
armor proficiencies:
Light Armor
weapon proficiencies:
Simple Melee Weapons, Firearms
Tinker's Tools, Hacking Modules
saving throws:
Expertise: Athletics and Perception
Proficiency: Insight, Intimidation, Investigation
starting equipment:
Combat Survival Kit (CSK) - Includes Simple Melee Weapon and Simple Ranged Weapon
5 day rations
class features:
A Pilot’s Best Friend
To ensure pilot survivability, all pilots and trainees are equipped with a Combat Survival Kit (CSK) at level 1 for protection in case of unplanned catastrophic mecha disassembly, which includes a hacking module that doubles as a short melee weapon of your choosing, and a small caliber pistol.
The pistol includes a HUD to help target acquisition and aim, adding the INT ability modifier to the attack roll. Its base damage is 1d12 piercing.
The hacking module is tailor-made to allow compatibility with any interface, however it can only be used effectively by trained personel, requiring at least 15 INT. The module further grants advantage to hacking rolls starting at 10th level. The melee weapon’s base damage is equal to 1d6 and has the Finesse property.
Action Surge
Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.
Mad Dash
In combat survival training, great focus was placed on what to do when the pilot is both without their mecha and behind enemy lines. At level 3 Disengage is now a bonus action and, if in stealth, movement can be transferred to the next turn.
Iron Cavalry
At 3rd level, you can determine what subclass of combat mechas you’ll be proficient in. Using a combat mecha subclass you are not proficient in will reduce STR, DEX and CON by 5. To enter a mecha, the pilot cannot wear medium or heavy armor.
- Sovereign: Specializes in speed and high-impact strikes, capable of sustaining large amounts of direct and indirect fire, but otherwise vulnerable to electronic interference and requires higher maintenance. Limited to melee and short-range weapons, no electronic weapons.
- Titan: Balanced stats and a wide variety of weapon choices ensure preparedness for all types of encounters, communicating with allies and sharing combat details in real time. Average defensive capabilities against physical and electronic attacks. Capable of equipping simple electronic weapons. Medium maintenance requirements.
- Dreadnought: Highly immobile but devastating firepower, focusing on long range and indirect fire. Lower physical toughness but almost impervious to electronic warfare, and maintenance is a mere suggestion. Unable to equip melee and short-range weapons. Can equip simple electronic weapons.
- Bulwark: Designed to defend population centers, specializing in physical and electronic defenses, capable of shielding others behind it and disabling enemy weapons and vehicles. Lower damage output means it cannot take out most mechas, however vehicles and soldiers are no match. Impervious to attrition.
- Prophet: Quick and evasive, focusing on intel gathering and light threat removal, equipped with countermeasures for both electronic and physical weapons. Enhanced evasion protocols allow quick repositioning and attack avoidance. Excels at long ranges, unable to equip melee and short-range weapons.
Ability Score Improvement or Feat:
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Alternatively, you can forfeit this increase for a feat of your choosing. You may only take a maximum of 2 feats using this feature.
Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class.
Ejection Seat
At level 6 the mecha is now equipped with an ejector seat that is automatically activated when the mecha’s HP reaches 0, giving the pilot 90ft of movement to escape from battle. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. It can also be triggered by the pilot at any time, disabling the mecha’s combat abilities until maintenance is performed and prohibiting anyone from entering the mecha.
Express Deployment
At level 11, the pilot can now summon its mecha to their position from anywhere on the planet, arriving after a certain number of turns. The recall time is 1 turn on the same city, 3 turns if on the same planet.
subclass options:
Overcharge - Complete Combustion
At level 6, you are now able to enhance the movement and combat abilities of your mecha in the middle of combat at a cost. Before the liquid pumps start cooling the cabin, sizzling internal components start glowing red-hot, burning your skin on contact. Costs 50% of Pilot Maximum HP, lasts for a minimum of 5 turns and can be extended by 2 turns at the cost of 15% Pilot Max HP. HP cannot be reduced bellow 1 by this feature.
This feature is upgraded at levels 10, 13 and 16.
- Extra movement speed: +0,5x; +1x ; +1,5x ; +2x
- Extra damage: 1d8 fire damage and 1d8 weapon damage (+2d6, +4d6. +6d6) + 4 fire + 4 weapon damage for each extension.
Module α: Antilag Outburst
Starting at level 7, when an enemy moves within melee range of either pilot or mecha, you can activate a jetpack, allowing you to use your reaction to Disengage and moving half your movement speed, upgrading to full movement at level 15.
Also starting at level 15, this feature grants the possibility of using any amount of available movement at any point in your turn order, opening the option of hit-and-run attacks.
Order: Flare Propulsion
The mecha activates its auxiliary engines to grant the ability to fly both in-atmosphere and in the vacuum of space while retaining the same flight profile and maneuverability. When in space, the pilot is sealed within a carbon-fiber and plasteel alloy shell resistant to physical damage and, while the pilot is safe, they can no longer eject. Flight speed is equal to ground movement speed. This feature is unlocked at level 9. If the mech’s HP reaches 0 while in space, the pilot is put into cryosleep after 10 minutes to preserve oxygen.
Chrysalid Pyronexus
At level 12, Overcharge now enables regenerative chemical compounds to be injected into the pilot’s body to minimize the effects of combat attrition as a reward for engaging enemy forces. If an enemy was hit and damaged by you during your turn, regenerate 10% of the pilot’s HP rounded up. Excess HP regeneration does not convert to Temporary HP. At level 15 this feature is upgraded and now the pilot no longer requires sustenance while inside the mecha, whether Overcharged or not.
Δ Order: Meteoric Inceneration
When Overcharged, the mecha is now able to boost itself to ungodly velocities to perform ramming attacks against all vehicles and structures, dealing
(Spent Movement / 2)d6 Bludgeoning damage to the main target. In a 15ft radius around the impact, Medium or smaller objects and creatures suffer 2d6 Thunder damage and are knocked prone. To board enemy ships, the mecha must roll against a DC 17 Athletics check. If it is successful, the pilot must now roll a DC 22 - (Pilot Level / 3) (rounded to the nearest unit) CON saving throw. On a failure, the pilot becomes stunned for 1 turn. This feature unlocks at 13th level.
Order: Pyrogenic Decimation
At level 14, your mecha’s cooling vents are now directly connected to the power core. When Overcharged, a field of flames spreads 25ft around you, charring the grounds you walk on. Everyone besides you suffers 1d8 fire damage at the beginning of their turn. The radius expands to 50ft at level 18.
Module β: Autoreactive Armor
At level 17, the mechanisms used for drug injection can now be rewired to include repairs for the mecha itself. Every time Combat Drug Enhancement is triggered, mecha HP recovers by 20% of missing HP. These automated repairs also reduce the necessity of maintenance, meaning it is only needed for major part replacements and upgrades.
Module γ: Core Overload
At level 20, the mecha is now an extension of the pilot, the two operate in unison and the pilot’s name is known throughout the cosmos as a synonym of destruction. Positive ability modifiers from the pilot are added to the mecha’s own. Attacks can now critically hit on both natural 19 and 20.
Overcharge - P R O T O C O L _ 1
Starting at level 6, combat intel gathered from your allies is directly displayed in your HUD, making you keenly aware of current battles. The powerful AI combat protocols are now engaged for a limited time and the mecha can now perform coordinated attacks with an ally as a reaction. This feature upgrades at levels 10, 13 and 16. Can only be used a limited number of times during combat and uses are recharged after a long rest.
- Extra hit chance: +3, +5, +7, +10
- Extra damage: 1d6, 2d6, 4d6, Half mecha weapon damage
- Number of uses: 2, 3, 4, 6
Deadly Dance
On a reaction, if an enemy the same or one size larger reaches the mecha’s melee range, it can swap places with the enemy, deals damage equal the pilot’s level, and gains half movement, which does not provoke opportunity attacks. This feature is unlocked at 7th level and is upgraded at 15th level, granting full movement.
Directional E.M.P.
At 7th level, as a full action, the titan emits a small directed E.M.P. in a 45ft cone towards a chosen direction. Electronic system operators must roll an INT Saving Throw with DC = 8 + Proficiency + INT Modifier. If unamnned, the electronic system itself rolls a d20 with no bonuses. On a fail, targets are disabled until the start of your next turn. This action costs your entire turn and cannot be Action Surged until level 15.
Quantum Computation Core
The mecha’s combat AI protocols are upgraded, allowing for enemy doctrine prediction. At level 9, you can spend a bonus action to decipher enemy communications and know their next action. This can be done only 3 times during combat and is recharged after finishing a short rest.
P R O T O C O L _ 2
At level 12, the mecha’s AI core is now fully enabled and can stand on its own in combat. The pilot can exit the mecha freely and can control it at a distance using encrypted comms. The range is limited to the same city the pilot is located.
Priority-Target Designation
At level 13, the pilot can spend a bonus action to designate an enemy as a must-kill and broadcasts combat details to their allies, increasing hit chance and damage dealt according to their size.
Size: Tiny (+1), Small (+2), Medium (+3), Large (+4), Huge (+5), Gargantuan (+6)
Shoulder-Mounted Countermeasures
Smaller versions of countermeasure modules can now be mounted without sacrificing their capacity. Additionally, a small energy beam H.K.A.P.S. (Hard-Kill Active Protection System) is incorporated into the mecha’s head that destroys rockets and missiles from man-portable weapons and any projectile from large vehicles’ main guns. This feature is unlocked at level 14 and upgrades at level 18 to also defend the pilot while they’re outside the mecha and within 60ft.
While the pilot is outside the mecha, they can scavenge parts from the battlefield to repair their mecha during combat by 15% of its HP. To find parts, the pilot must roll an Investigation check which can be aided by Priority Target Designation by half the pilot’s level, forfeiting buffs on designated targets until the pilot's next turn. This feature unlocks at level 17 and further upgrades at level 20, now giving 25% mecha HP.
P R O T O C O L _ 3
The trust between pilot and mecha knows no bounds and both will fight to the death to protect one another. At level 20, the pilot and mecha share the highest AC between them, if within 60ft of each other.
Overcharge - War Incarnate
Overcharge - Unwavering Gallantry
Overcharge - Cloak Engaged
Starting at level 6, the mecha can now conceal its position for a limited time, granting near-perfect invisibility. Any creature can attempt to discern the mecha's sillouette with a DC 15 Perception roll. The cloaking ends when either the mecha attacks or after a certain duration. This feature is upgraded at levels 10, 13 and 16, becoming harder to detect.
Detection DC: 17, 20, 23