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Rite Publishing

Armor of Light

Creates a shimmering armor that grants a +1 deflection bonus, dazzles attackers, and causes attacks to miss 20% of the time.

Abjuration \ \ V, M (a small mirror)

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: touch
Duration: 1 round/level
Targets: creature touched
Domain: Light


This spell causes the creature touched to radiate light from every part of her body. She sheds bright light to a radius of 30 feet and shadowy light an additional 30 feet beyond that. Looking directly at the target creature is difficult, granting concealment to the target (20% miss chance) and dazzling anybody who looks directly at the target for 1d6 rounds (Will negates). If a creature looks at the target more than once, she will be re-dazzled. The durations of the dazzle effects do not stack but are renewed whenever the creature becomes re-dazzled. The armor of light also provides a +1 deflection bonus to AC per four caster levels (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

