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Bison - Animal 4

Grazing the Roharan Steppes by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney
Shaggy great beasts of the plains, these creatures dominate the wild plains of Rohara in great herds, though they used to be much more numerous. Weighing between 1000 and 2000 lbs, their hides and the meat they provide are a bounty most valued by rural communities, though hunting them is no small feat, and wildly dangerous. The mighty bison has cousins that occupy a similar role in the wild tundras of Suranth known as musk oxen, and others still that dominate the southern valleys and savannahs of the Gavis-Lune continent known as cape buffalo. Longhorns are another cousin that can be found in the jungles and rainforests of the continent of Wyriel.
Perception 1d20+11
Languages N/A
Skills Athletics: 1d20+13 , Intimidate: 1d10+6 , Survival: 1d20+9 , Perception: has an additional +2 if Scent would apply.

STR +6 , DEX +3 , CON +5 , INT -5 , WIS +2 , CHA -1

Items The hide and horns of a Plains Bison, if intact, can fetch fair coin, about 4 silver moons if the hide is intact, a full gold sun if it is already tanned and treated and ready for working with. The horns fetch a silver each on average. The meat is the real value, bison is a hearty meat and can feed many families, and therefore if you have buyers, a bison can net you easily 600-700 gold suns for all the meat off the animal should you be hunting it for that purpose as a member of a hunter's guild who can butcher it themselves in a large city, so you can sell all the bits and cuts to appropriate venders and eating establishments. Alternatively the unprocessed corpse will still fetch 350-500 gold suns based on the weight of the animal.
AC 21
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+13 , Ref 1d20+9 , Will 1d20+8 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+12 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20-5 , Ego Save: 1d20-1
HP50 4d12+20 - Immunities None - Weaknesses None - Resistances Cold Resist (1)
Speed 30 feet
Melee Melee Attack, Hoof: 1d20+12 , damage 2d6+6 bludgeoning damage. On critical hit, inflicts Stunned (1)   Melee Attack, Horns: 1d20+12 , damage 2d8+6 piercing damage. On a critical hit, knocks target prone if target is medium sized or smaller.
Special Abilities Pointed Charge: The bison surges forward, bellowing, head lowered. It moves up to double its movement distance in a straight line, and if it ends that movement within range of a creature to do so, it makes a horns melee attack. If it lands a critical hit, the horns deal an extra 1d12 damage.   Rolling Thunder: The bison kicks up dust and shakes the ground in a violent charge, moving up to twice its movement speed in distance in a straight line, able to pass through any space occupied by a medium or smaller creature. Every creature's space it stampedes through must attempt a DC 22 Reflex Save. If they fail, they take 4d6+6 bludgeoning damage. If they critically fail, they are also thrown prone and gain the Stunned (1) condition. If they succeed they take half damage and if they critically succeed, they move five feet in a direction of their choice that brings them out of the stampede path and take no damage. Multiple bison can participate in this ability at once. How this is done is they spend the actions to do it so they can hold the ability as a reaction to wait for the herd to be ready to charge. All bison participating in such an endeavor must charge in parallel lines, they cannot overlap each other or move in different directions. Creatures in the area of this group stampede take an additional 3d6 bludgeoning damage, and even those whom critically succeed the Reflex save still take that flat additional damage, but no other damage, and have to move in the shortest direction that would have gotten them out of the stampede zone.   Scent: Within 30 feet the Bison's Perception is treated as +2 higher   Cold Adaptation: Bison are predominantly cold weather animals and well adapted for it, their bulk and shaggy hides keeping them warm in all but the most extreme of cold days. They reduce impacts of cold weather effects by 1 step.   Environmental Familiarity (Plains): This creature is naturally very comfortable out on prairies and grasslands. It cannot suffer any movement penalties from any natural effects of terrain within these biomes.

Close Cousin Template Adjustments

  Musk Oxen: Change Environmental Familiarity (Plains) to (Tundra). Increase Armored Hide by (1). Increase Cold Resist to (2). Reduce Hit Points to 65. EL=4   Cape Buffalo: Change Cold Adaptation to Heat Adaptation. Change Cold Resist (1) to Fire Resist (1). Reduce Armored Hide by (1). Gain +10 feet Movement Speed. Increase Hit Points to 75. EL=4   Longhorn: Change Cold Adaptation to Heat Adaptation. Gain Fire Resist (2) instead of Cold Resist (1). Gain +2 Agility. Reduce Hit Points to 60. Change Environmental Familiarity (Plains) to (Jungle). EL=4

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
