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Wolf - Animal 1

Wolf by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney
Loping along the treeline just at the edge of your periphrial view, the canine shape moves with grace and familiarity that even the most familiar elven hunter may envy. You keep your wits about you, for if there is one wolf, there will be others. It seems to be escorting you, or more likely, keeping tabs on someone new and odd smelling that has entered its pack's territory. A reminder that you are indeed a guest in these lands.
Perception 1d20+8
Languages N/A
Skills Athletics: 1d20+6 , Stealth: 1d20+8 , Survival: 1d20+4

STR +2 , DEX +4 , CON +1 , INT -4 , WIS +2 , CHA -2

AC 17
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+5 , Ref 1d20+6 , Will 1d20+4 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+4 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20-2 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20
HP10 1d10+5 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances N/A
Speed 35 feet
Melee Melee, Bite: 1d20+6 to hit. 1d6+2 piercing damage.
Special Abilities Armored Hide (1): +1 Natural Armor Boost to AC   Lowlight Vision: 30 feet   Scent: +2 to Perception rolls where sense of smell can apply, within 60 feet   Pack Tactics: Wolves gain +2 to attack and damage rolls when attacking a target that is engaged in melee with and counting as outnumbered by two of its allies.   Tripping Assault: If the wolf critically hits a target with their bite attack, they may attempt a Trip action, should they have an action left to spend, without taking the -5 for multi-attack penalty.   Environmental Familiarity (Forests): This creature is naturally very comfortable in the forest and never has any challenge with that terrain in its natural form. It cannot suffer any movement penalties from any natural effects of terrain within forests or woodland, so long as it stays on land.

Alteration/Advancement Options

  Large Dog Stats: Hit Points become 6 (or 1d10+1 ). Dexterity Modifier drops by 1, so to does Wisdom Modifier. Charisma Modifier goes up by 1. Apply a -1 to all skill rolls. Bite damage becomes 1d4+2 instead of its listed amount. Creature Level (so encounter level) becomes 0.   Suranthi Wolf Stats: Increase Strength and Constitution Modifiers by 1. Bite damage becomes 1d8+3 . Apply +1 to all skills. Increase Armored Hide trait (and therefore AC) by 1. Gain Resist (3) to cold damage. Replace Environmental Familiarity (Forests) with the same ability but now its (Tundra). Creature level (and Encounter level) becomes 2.   Note: Wolves and dogs can obviously be animal companions and should you be a gnome or halfman or other small sized race, they can be mounts.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
