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Orca - Animal 6

Sea Wolves at Play. by Keon Croucher using Midjourney
Also known as killer whales, and as 'wolves of the sea', though they are not whales at all, orca are the most adaptable aquatic predator in the oceans of Valerick, bar none. They succeed in the far northern waters of the Nor'Westor sea, they can be found off the humid tropical coasts of the Wyrielian continent competing equally with the massive marine reptiles that dominate some parts of the Sea of Sails or the Whirler's Sea, along with any oceans and seas in between. These creatures are highly intelligent and are the largest members of the dolphin family. It is also worth noting they hold a special significance in Suranthi culture, particularly the military and naval culture. Orca also rarely would see humanoids as a prey item or a threat, and in fact stories abound the world over of sailors and mariners whom have gone overboard and thought they would be fish food or worse, supposedly to only be saved by dolphins or orca.
Perception 1d20+15
Languages N/A
Skills Athletics: 1d20+13 , Acrobatics: 1d20+8 , Stealth: 1d20+8 , Survival: 1d20+11

STR +7 , DEX +2 , CON +5 , INT -4 , WIS +3 , CHA +0

AC 25
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+13 , Ref 1d20+10 , Will 1d20+11 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+15 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+4 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+6
HP80 6d12+40 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (5) Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning, Cold
Speed 60 feet swim, 5 feet on land
Melee Melee, Bite: 5 feet reach, 1d20+13 to hit. 3d8+7 piercing damage plus Grab.   Melee, Tail Slap: 10 feet reach, 1d20+13 to hit. 2d8+7 bludgeoning damage, inflicts Stunned (1) if a critical hit.
Ranged Special Ranged Attack, Undertow Wake: Range 30 feet. 1d20+13 to hit. Orca are highly reasoning predators able to adapt a wide range of hunting techniques and this is no exception. An orca can slap its fins or tail, or even its whole body in a leap, to create a directed wave of water that will strike and wash over the low lying bit of land or ice floe a smaller creature is on. The attack does no damage, however it will move the target 5 feet closer to the edge of the object or hunk of ice or land, 5 feet closer to the water. If they score a critical hit, instead the target creature is just washed into the water immediately.
Special Abilities Adept Swimmer: Orca are primarily aquatic animals and as such, like many beasts of the deep, are well adapted to the dangers of ocean currents and poor weather. They count any weather effects as 1 rank lower, including currents, terrain and movement difficulties or penalties imposed by stormy weather and choppy seas.   Armored Hide (5): +5 Natural Armor as a boost to AC. Included in its current AC.   Aquatic: This creature is an aquatic creature by nature and cannot really move or survive on dry land, despite the fact that it breathes air. If caught on dry land its own body weight will basically crush its lungs eventually, so it will start to suffocate.   Aquatic Ambush: Target must be within 30 feet of the orca and has not detected it. The Orca can travel up to its movement speed as part of this action, ending up on land even, if it so desires, and makes a strike with its bite against target creature during this movement. An orca can travel no further than 5 feet onto land as part of an Aquatic Ambush. After it does so, it is prone until it Crawls to return to the water.   Aquatic Camoflogue: An orca's color pattern is a gift of evolution, like many predators of the deep. Its dark black upper half helps it be next to invisible when it is swimming underneath other creatures and its white underbelly has the same effect upon creatures looking up from below it into the brilliant glare of the sundappled surface of the ocean, blindingly getting lost in the white light. They are also masterful hunters, extremely adept at using this color palatte to their advantage. Orca have a +5 to Stealth checks when in the water.   Aquatic Echolocation: An Orca counts its echolocation as a precise sense, but only underwater, granting it +2 to Perception checks made underwater to notice anything within 60 feet of it.   Bulky: Gain 1/2 Constitution Modifier as deflection bonus to AC. In the AC on the sheet already.   Breach: The orca swims up to its speed then leaps vertically out of the water up to 25 feet in height, which due to its massive bulk, it can attack something up to 30 feet above the water's surface. During this leap, at a point of its choosing it gets to make a bite attack. After the attack, the orca splashes back down in the water. Orca can also use this ability to launch their massive bulk at the deck of ships or boats, and if they do so, this is a slam attack that deals 2d6+7 to any object or person struck by it, it covers an area of 10 feet by 10 feet. Vehicles (like boats or ships) or waterbound structures (like docks) take double damage from this ability.   Environmental Familiarity (Aquatic): This creature is naturally very comfortable and evolved to be in the water, and suffers no negative effects for aquatic terrain, no movement punishments.   Iron Lungs: Orca can hold their breath for up to 2 hours, which plays a massive part in their dominant success as marine predators, despite needing to breathe air.   Gripping Bite: When it hits with a bite attack it can immediately sacrifice its reaction to attempt to initiate a Grab upon the target, that ignores any stacking Multiple Attack Penalty. Targets of medium size or smaller are automatically grabbed, no check required.

Advancement/Alteration Options

  Pack Tactics: Most orca hunt in pods, though solo orca do exist. However these are often loose associations with dedicated teamwork, but on a limited scale with the tactics decided by the prey more than the orca themselves. However a select few pods hunt prey much larger than themselves, like the pods that hunt the waters around Wyriel, hunting massive marine reptiles, and in this case, like wolves on land, they work as a coordinated kill squad. These orca gain +2 to attack and damage rolls when attacking a target that is engaged in melee with and counting as outnumbered by two of its allies.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
