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Ungitar - Bestial 5

Ungitar warrior by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
Brutish Ungals born much larger, more powerful and less intelligent than most of their kindred, these moose antlered masses of muscle and ferocity are basically an Ungal tribe's elite raiders or warriors, there will generally be very few of them. They are vicious, braserk, and utterly destructive. Towering easily nine to ten feet tall, weighing as much or more than a full adult bull moose, with with a less forgiving temperment. Most herds will only have one or two of such beasts, as they are rarely born, and even more rare to survive to adulthood, requiring so much food that the herd must be quite successful to keep and raise them.
Perception 1d20+13
Languages Feriak
Skills Acrobatics: 1d20+8 , Athletics: 1d20+10 , Intimidate: 1d20+3 , Stealth: 1d20+10 , Survival: 1d20+5

STR +6 , DEX +4 , CON +5 , INT -3 , WIS +1 , CHA -3

Items Large War Club
AC 20
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+11 , Ref 1d20+10 , Will 1d20+5 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+10 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20-3 , Ego Save (Charisma): [roll:1d20+1
HP80 6d12+30 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses Weakness (5) Psychic - Resistances Resist (5) Poison and Necrotic
Speed 40 feet
Melee Melee, Bite: 1d20+12 to hit. 2d8+6 piercing damage and 1d8 necrotic damage. Heal for necrotic damage dealt.   Melee, Antler: 1d20+12 to hit. 1d12+6 piercing and bludgeoning damage and 1d8 necrotic damage. Heal for necrotic damage dealt.   War Club: (5 feet reach) 1d20+10 to hit. 1d12+6 bludgeoning damage.
Special Abilities Tough Hide (2): +2 Natural Armor Boost to Armor Score. accounted for in AC already.   Hardy: Ungitars like Ungals, if they were to gain hit dice (by levels or if your adding templates) if they roll a 1 or 2 when rolling to increase their hit point total, they count it as a 3 instead.   Step Aside: Ungitars, despite being a fair bit bigger and seeming perhaps less nimble than their Ungal kindred, are still quite and swift to react. They may take an extra reaction each round, giving them two total.   No Escape: Ungitars are vicious and committed combatants, not known for letting up once they've engaged in melee combat. They have the ability to utilize their reaction to make a strike on any creature leaving their threatened melee range.   Greater Corruptive Resistance: Ungitars are like few other such mutated beasts and bestials, being born truly 'blessed' by the dark gods. They reduce the effects of corruptive influence such as from Scars upon Reality, by two steps.   Feral Feasting: The favorite playthings of Gulagor upon the mortal realms, all bestials naturally benefit from utilizing their natural weapons, the dark magick which twisted their forms into being born with such gifts granting them a feral boon, drawing out life force and transfering it into them.   One with the Deep Forests: Despite their size, ferocity, and sheer sundering power, Ungitars can seem to disappear into the deepest forests and woodlands just as easily as their smaller kindred. It is a fact that causes deep seated fear associated with their existence. They gain +4 to Stealth skill rolls in forests and woodlands.   Fearful Presence (1): An Ungitar, like a Ungal is such an alien creature, and such a vision of fear, hunger and terror, that its very presence to close to those whom have not steeled themselves can cause fear and panic. Any creature that starts its turn within 15 feet of an Ungitar must attempt a Will Save against DC 20. On a critical failure, they become afflicted with Frightened (2). On a failure they become afflicted with Frightened (1). On a success they are not affected, however can still be effected by any other Ungal's aura. On a critical success, a creature is immune to this effect for a full day from any Ungal, having steeled their mind against the presence of the dark magick that swathes these foul creatures.   Fevered Famine: All Ungals, even Ungitars, carry this illness within them, transferred to any creature foolish enough to imbue their flesh, or any unlucky enough to be bitten whom are of poor enough natural hardiness and health. Any target that suffers a bite from an Ungitar must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude Save. Upon a critical failure, the dark magick of the beast accelerates the issue, presenting the onset of symptoms immediately for the Fevered Famine (link TBA later) disease. Upon a failure, the victim merely gains the Exhausted (1) condition, but is afflicted. The GM should roll 1d4 in secret, this decides how many days the victim has until the onset of symptoms. On a success the victim is not afflicted, however still suffers from Exhausted (1). On a critical success they are absolutely fine.   Fearful of Spirit: Though fierce warriors and raiders, and a force to be feared, even Ungitars show fear, sometimes even terror. Sudden bright illumination, that far brighter than mere flames, strikes fear and terror into any Ungitar that bears witness. Any Ungitar that suffers Radiant damage immediately is stricken with the Frightened (2) condition, and any Ungitar whom bears witness, having direct line of sight to such a source of sudden illumination is beset by the Frightened (1) condition.   Beast Blessed Senses: They have a natural +4 to Perception skill checks. Already in the roll.   Siege Monster: Ungitars are so powerful and strong, their skulls so thick, their antlers so robust that they excel at destroying fortifications such as gates or walls. Their antler strike deals double damage to structures and constructs.   Quaking Charge: The Ungitar lowers its head and runs its full movement speed in a straight line, which must end adjacent to a structure or creature. It makes an Antler Strike attack against against every creature it chooses in that line so long as they are within reach of its path. These attacks deal 1/2 damage, but any target struck must attempt a DC 20 Power Save. On a critical failure, creautures are thrown away from the Ungitar's path 10 feet and land prone. On a regular failure they are merely pushed back 10 feet but keep their footing. On a success they are unmoved and still standing, on a critical success they only take half damage.   When the movement ends it makes an antler strike against the creature or structure it ended up adjacent to. If the target was a structure it is an automatic critical so long as it hits. If the target was a creature, and it hits, that creature is immediately thrown prone and is afflicted with the Stunned (1) condition. The Ungitar is afflicted with the Slow (1) condition for its next round as the beast must get its bearings after the blind rush, and all attacks against it are made +2 until its next turn. The attacks it makes during this maneuver do NOT invoke Multiple Attack Penalty, counting as one big attack.

Advancement/Alteration Options

  As with any Bestial, Ungitars are intelligent enough, barely, to take Profession levels. However they have much harder limits. Their mental attributes are simply naturally not high enough to take any profession levels but Braserker, Brawler, or Warrior. So these professions scale as per normal, but effect the EL of an Ungitar differently than an Ungal. Each level they have increases the creature's EL by the number of levels it has-1 (minimum 0, so level 1 doesn't change its EL) However if they gain profession levels, they immediately lose 12 hit points (and 1d12 off their randomizer) and replace that with the base starting hp of the profession (adding that to the static 30 in the randomizer)

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
