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Nymph - Faellen Kindred 5

Nymph by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
An individual of indescrible beauty stands before you, invitingly, naught but a few leaves and bits of branch and bark covering them in a tasteful, yet highly suggestive fashion. Their eyes a soft amber, or blue, or green perhaps, whatever your fancy, seeming ever so enthralling, inviting. You feel yourself drawn towards them, you feel the longing and lust rising within you. Your only moment of warning in the initial kiss, as you feel piercing on your lower lip, as if being bitten, and feel something sharp and serrated tear across your abdomen as they caress their hand down to slide between your thighs. Your eyes open at the sharp tearing pains and you realize truly what stands before you, yet it may be far to late.
Perception 1d20+9
Languages Sylvan, Valarian (Common), Draconic or Void-tongue
Skills Athletics: 1d20+7 , Acrobatics: 1d20+10 , Bribery: 1d20+13 , Intimidate: 1d20+13 , Intuition: 1d20+7 , Lore (Occult): 1d20+10 , Persuade: 1d20+13 , Stealth: 1d20+14

STR +1 , DEX +4 , CON +3 , INT +2 , WIS +1 , CHA +5

AC 20
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+9 , Ref 1d20+12 , Will 1d20+9 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+1 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+8 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+15
HP49 4d6+2d12+20 - Immunities As kindred of Libidine, they are so blessed and are immune to Fire damage and any sort of charm effects. - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (5) To any non-magick source of damage
Speed 40 feet
Melee Melee, Claw: Agile and Finesse Traits. 1d20+12 to hit. 1d8+4 slashing damage.   Melee, Bite: 1d20+9 to hit. 1d4+1 Piercing damage plus 1d4 poison damage. If target was not already enthralled, they must roll the save against the Enthrallment (DC 22).
Special Abilities Fey Blood: Of the ancient fallen kindred, once known as the Courts of the Fae, Nymphs are of a lesser sort amongst them, but this does not mean they are without understanding or reason. Despite their lustful and vicious appetites and disposition, like any Faellen Kindred, they seek less to first take advantage and feed off any one individual they meet, but instead make deals towards such ends on a larger scale, making allies and spreading the corruption of the Void into those societies and races that attempt to be beyond the reach of such things. Like all Faellen Kindred, they count as Expert in the Bribery, Intimidation and Persuade skills.   Lustful Pool (7/7): Even the lowest of the Faellen Kindred have been 'touched' by their dark masters and Nymphs are no exception, having a unique pool tied to their sexual and lustful disposition which they seem to tap into. For Nymphs like fellow Fallen Kindred of Passion, this pool is called 'Lust'. It is some fell reserve that acts almost as manna, though of an indescribable nature to any true practitioner of the Arcane arts. This inherent energy, this dark power, allows Nymphs to tap into and wield a modest amount of unique abilities and powers. This resource only recovers over a Rest.   Enthrallment Damage Dice: This is a unique die, something the Nymph does to feed on victims whom have been enthralled by its presence and power. A mere touch and the victim will take fire damage equal to a roll of the Enthrallment damage dice 2d6 , and the Nymph will heal for an equal amount. However the victim feels no pain unless the Nymph chooses to also use their claws or teeth to feed more swiftly on their pleasure and pain, and so they do not get the chance to break free of the enthrallment. All this burning touch seems to ignite in their victims is heightened pleasure. This unique touch attack is Enthralling Stroke   Enthralling Vision: So long as a Nymph has 1 point in their Lust pool, any who gaze upon them must attempt a DC 22 Ego Save. Those that fail are not immediately enthralled, but see the creature as someone they would describe as indescribably beautiful and attractive, whatever that would look like to them. However they keep their minds and if allies are communicating, they should very quickly realize not all is right, because they area all seeing the creature differently. A success means they see its true humanoid form, though that looks as if a Nymph from myth and legend, from stories of what such fey would have looked like before the fall. A critical success sees the twisted entity beneath it all, the hooked and serrated claws, the barbed pelvic region, the jagged and pointed teeth, and the red hot lust and wild eyes of this feral Faellen creature and they become immune to this effect for 24 hours. A critical failure sees the target not only enthralled by the vision of the beauty, but utterly charmed and lost to voice or reason of companions, ready to prostrate themselves before this beautiful form, thinking only of the pleasures promised from such a vision.   Fiery Gratification: Costs 1 Lust/target. a Nymph can speak a powerful command word. Any creature within 30 feet must attempt an Ego Save of DC 22. If a target had previously failed their save against Enthralling Vision, they count as having 1 level of success lower (meaning they cannot critically succeed and even a regular failure is a critical failure). If failed, the target begins to suffer from....continued gratification, taking fire damage equal to 1d6+5 each round until they can break free, as well as being inflicted with the Slow (1) condition. On a critical failure the damage is doubled, and they become afflicted with Slow (2) and Ablaze (1). On a success, they take full initial damage but the command does not continue having a longer effect upon them, and on a critical success they take no damage. The fire damage from this ignores resistances, but immunity still works against it.   Lustful Caress: Costs 1 Lust. The Nymph may reach out and touch an Enthralled victim. The victim does not resist, this is not an attack (unless the Nymph wishes to burn an additional action and make this touch a claw attack, and risk breaking the enthrallment). The target takes fire damage equal to 1d6+5 and the Nymph heals for that many wounds. The victim must also make a Fortitude Save (DC 22). If failed, they become afflicted by Slow (1) and the Nymph gains Haste (1). If critically failed, this becomes Slow (2) and Haste (2). If successful the target does not suffer this effect and may attempt again the Save against the Enthralling Vision. If critically successful, the target is not effected, takes half damage, and breaks free of the Enthralling Vision.   Passionate Bite: Costs 1 Lust. A Nymph can attempt a bite attack against a willing (read Enthralled) target. The bite deals 1d6 fire damage in addition to its normal damage, and the Nymph recovers HP equal to the roll of this extra die. The target must attempt a Will Save DC 22. If failed, they enter a state of paralyzing painful gratification that leaves them Paralyzed for 1 round, though they get to attempt the Save against the Enthrallment. If critically failed they suffer this paralysis and they stay under the Enthrallment. If successful they are merely afflicted with Slow (2) managing to somehow control their ecstasy but are still under the enthrallment. If a critical success, they break free of Enthrallment and suffer no conditions, not experiencing the paralyzing gratification.   Pleasures Unimaginable: Costs 3 Lust. A nymph may activate this ability on a target that it has Enthralled and successfully grappled with one of its claws, or that is paralyzed from its bite. They must be adjacent to the target. The nymph and the target begin to grab and tear at each other passionately, sexually, violently. The scents of blood, sweat, and cum fill the air, moans and screams fill the ears, as the Nymph's true form is revealed in the moments that could lead eventually to ecstasy. The target may attempt an Ego Save (DC 22). If they critically fail, they are immediately brought to Dying (1) by the furious moment of violent passion, as the barbed claws, pelvic vines and thorns, and vicious teeth of the nymph do their bloody worst, and best. The target will fall with a moan of pleasure and release, the Nymph will gain the benefits of Hasten (3) and recover to maximum HP. If a failure, the target takes the damage from all the Nymphs possible attacks, as well as 3d6+15 fire damage, and the Nymph gains Haste (2) and recovers half of all missing HP. If the target survives and is still conscious, they immediately are broken free of the Enthrallment as the creature is now revealed in its true form before them and are immune for 24 hours. If successful, they merely take half damage and are broken free of the Enthrallment, and the Nymph merely gains Haste (1). If the target rolls a critical success, they break free of the Enthrallment and swiftly step back, moving at least five feet away from the Nymph, taking no damage and becoming immune to its Lust based powers as it has now revealed its true form.   Pain is Pleasure: Being grappled, hugged, or having intercourse or other skin to skin, body to body interactions with a nymph where their pelvis and torso will touch you inherently will cause harm due to the barbed vine like growths all around that whole midsection of their body. Anyone so unfortunate takes 1d6 slashing damage and 1d6 poison damage and must roll a Fortitude Save (DC 22). This is a mere pass or fail test, and if failed, they are afflicted with Toxic (1) and Confused (1).  

Legendary (1):

Faellen Kindred are so rare, indeed some would argue near extinct, that is unavoidable they earn a reputation and title within local areas of where they operate, enough of a story spreading to imbue them with unique and interesting powers. Nymphs are no different in this regard, having the Legendary trait. You may always alter the traits they possess from the list of the Legendary condition of course however these are the three that are most common;   One Tough Specimen: This creature has an additional 2d12 wounds (already accounted for in its stat block calculation)   Legendary Presence: Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the Nymph is at a -2 to all D20 rolls. This...aura, this presence lasts until the Nymph has taken 15 points of damage, as it begins to show weakness, injury, and it will not return unless the creature can take a Rest (Long rest for those of a DnD or DnD adjacent persuasion)   Legendary Action (1): They Nymph has 1 action point it may utilize to take any single action (including activating any ability it may possess that costs only 1 action) outside initiative order, able to interject between two creatures turns. It may only utilize this each round at an initiative score of 15 or lower.  

Advancements/Alterations Options

  Much like Redcaps, Nymphs are sentient beings and can gain Profession levels. If you do choose to give such a creature Profession levels, remember that its EL increases by an amount equal to the number of profession levels you have given it.   GM NOTE: Faellen Kindred are older than old. They are the remnants of powers long forgotten and a kingdom unlike anything any adventurers can possibly imagine. Though they are a shadow of what they once were, and disparate factions that are not allied, though not at open war, this....wisdom and history bleeds through in one facet that cannot be ignored, and is how they mess with the sapient beings whom now sit as the rightful rulers of this realm and reality. They are impressively fluent, perfectly so in common Valarian, and generally also in whatever racial languages would be the most common for the regions they are found living near (so for example, Faellen Kindred in Suranth would be disturbingly fluent in Dwarven).

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
