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Woadstrider Joten - Joten 5

Woadstrider Joten Female Field Sketch by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
Towering some twelve feet tall, easily weighing over seven hundred pounds, lumbering forth and bellowing its displeasure and intentions very clearly for you to hear, though not in any language you likely recognize. The body language leaves no room for confusion however, as they strange bipedal beast, with humanoid-esque features behind all the strange woad paint and designs and foliage, raises a small tree trunk, gripping it as if a fighting staff or club.
Perception 1d20+11
Languages Joten, Sylvan
Skills Animal Care-taking: 1d20+9 , Athletics: 1d20+13 , Intuition: 1d20+9 , Intimidate: 1d20+9 , Lore (Nature): 1d20+9 , Navigation (Terrestrial): 1d20+9 , Stealth: 1d20+4 , Survival: 1d20+9

STR +6 , DEX +4 , CON +5 , INT +0 , WIS +2 , CHA +0

Items Large Size Quarter-Staff: 5% chance that its an enchanted item, a Taproot Staff. Otherwise it is merely a normal quarterstaff sized for a large size creature.
AC 24
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+14 , Ref 1d20+4 , Will 1d20+9 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+13 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+7
HP70 [roll5d12+31] - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (5) Poison Damage
Speed 50 feet
Melee Melee, Quarterstaff: 5 feet reach. 1d20+13 to hit. 2d8+6 bludgeoning damage. If it is a Taproot Staff (5% chance) then whenever a successful attack is made, the creature struck must attempt a DC 23 Power Save. If critically failed, the target becomes completely immobilized and grappled as vines and plant growth of all kinds erupt from beneath them and grab at their legs and body restraining them. If regularly failed they merely are entangled and suffer Slow (1). If successful merely entangled and if critically successful no negative effect.   Melee, Slam: 1d20+13 to hit. 1d12+6 bludgeoning damage.
Special Abilities Titanic Dice 1d6 : This feature normally is reserved for Huge creatures and larger, but Joten are an exception, even the smallest of them. They seem to inherently not just be large, but know how to really utilize that size advantage inherently, instinctually, in combat. They add a roll of this die to the damage they deal with any weapon attack that their Strength Attribute applies to, so long as it is against a creature at least 1 size smaller than they are.   Tough Hide (4): Woadstriders are among the smallest of Jotens however they still are massive creatures and benefit from that in a number of ways, including this. They count as having a +4 Natural Armor boost to their Armor Score. (included on sheet)   Environmental Mastery (Forests/Jungles): Woadstriders are solitary creatures that wander forests, jungles and woodlands across Valerick. They are well adapted to this terrain, despite their bulk, seeming capable of moving with agility and a smoothness that their size would seem to deny logical. They do not leave tracks in such terrain, no sign of their passing, and cannot ever suffer from difficult terrain penalties in such environments. Furthermore they have a +4 on any saving throw they must roll in regards to any natural hazards within such terrain they happen to come across.   One with the Woad: Despite their bulk in Forests/Jungles they have a +4 on Stealth rolls.   Sweeping Blow: The Woadstrider makes a sweeping arch with their staff enveloping every space within 10 feet of it in the direction it is facing as a cone like semi-circle. It rolls a staff attack against every creature within range, and as an added benefit, also makes a trip attempt against every single target within the arc that the attack hits. If it is a Taproot Staff, it applies that ability on hit as well. These attacks do not suffer from the Multiple Attack Penalty.   Plant-Speaker: Woadstrider Joten seem to have a unique innate connection to Dulra, and though most cannot wield magick in anyway, all seem to be able to simply communicate in some strange way through an innate connection with the flora all around them.   Woad Blessing: Woadstrider Jotens are not covered in all those designs for no good reason, nor are they just tribal symbols. Even the least among their kind can utilize these strange tribal war paints to utilize a pair of blessings, either of which can be activated as an action;   Rooted Recovery: Once active this ability will work for 1 minute or until the Woad-strider moves, whichever happens first. On its turn every round, the Woadstrider will recover 1d8+5 Hit Points so long as it has not moved (or forcibly been displaced) from where it was when it activated this ability.   Tree-Step: A Woad-strider may activate this ability as an action, and taking a step forward they seem to disappear from sight, seeming to step forth from a tree within 200 feet that they can see.   They may only activate these abilities once each per day.
Woadstriders like all Joten are intelligent enough to have profession levels, though the most common would be a Cultist-Shaman of Avarita or Gulagor (Greed or Gluttony), or alternatively a Scout-Hunter or a Warrior focusing Polearms, though of course these are not hard limitations. As always, consider carefully how this will alter the balance of power when adding profession levels to monsters presented here, and what it might do to encounter balances when developing them.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
