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Sleepless Soul - Restless Dead 3

The Unspoken Dangers of an Inn by Henri Giselion by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
The ghastly image, a flickering ghostly visage of a human in the mist and darkness, seems to drift towards you, hands outstretched. Transluscent, a wisp, a shadow, however most notable upon the face of this vision, the visage is one of the purest exhaustion, a face showing signs of someone who hasn't slept in ages untold.
Perception 1d20+6
Languages Varied
Skills Stealth: 1d20+9

STR +0 , DEX +2 , CON +N/A , INT +N/A , WIS +1 , CHA +3

AC 15
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+3 , Ref 1d20+2 , Will 1d20+6 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+3 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+6
HP27 6d6 - Immunities Necrotic, Psychic and Poison Damage - Weaknesses Weakness (4) Fire and Radiant Damage - Resistances Resist (6) Lightning and Cold
Speed 25 feet
Melee Melee, Ghostly Claw Swipe: 1d20+3 to hit. 1d4+3 necrotic damage. This is a touch attack, ignoring armor and shields (but not natural armor). Targets struck must atempt DC 17 Fortitude Save. If they critically fail, the target is inflicted with Slow (1) condition and suffers 1 point of Attribute Damage to their Dexterity Attribute. If they fail, they merely are inflicted with Slow (1) condition. If they succeed or critically succeed they suffer none of this ill effects.
Special Abilities Ecto Pool (5/5): This is a unique feature to Restless Dead of the Spirit subtype. It is a resource pool that allows them to utilize certain abilities and traits as well as insuring certain passive benefits remain active. They recover 1 point of this pool every time a living creature dies within 20 feet of them, though this cannot cause them to exceed the maximum listed in their stat table above.   Exhausting Aura: So long as a Sleepless Soul has 1 point in their Ecto Pool, they exude a draining and near sleep inducing aura from their being out to a distance of 20 feet. Any living creature that ends its turn within that radius must make a Will Save of DC 17. On a critical failure, they become afflicted with Exhaustion (4) condition and take 2d6 Psychic and 2d6 Necrotic Damage. On a normal failure, they merely become afflicted with Exhaustion (2) and take 1d6 Psychic and 1d6 Necrotic Damage. On a normal success they are afflicted with Exhaustion (1) but take no damage. On a critical success they are unaffacted entirely.   Incorpreal: This is a natural quality of any Restless Dead creature that counts as a spirit. Such creatures are not entirely of the physical realm, and as such, are not wholly vulnerable to attack in such methods. Any attacks with weapons, enchanted or otherwise, unless they have the proper entropic rune-craft enhancement, have a 25% chance of simply passing through the spirit without harming it, regardless of if it should have been a critical hit or something of that nature.   Ectoplasmic Shift: costs 2 Ecto Pool Points. A Sleepless Soul may react to an incoming threat (even such as being in the AOE of a fireball) or attack. By spending these resource points, they simply fade away, reappearing somewhere within 50 feet of their previous location.   Tiring Dirge: Costs 1 Ecto Pool Point. A Sleepless Soul can let out a strange and melodic dirge of a call that seems to have almost hypnotic power. Any creature within 50 feet of the Sleepless Spirit must attempt a DC 17 Fortitude Save. On a critical success, a creature is unaffected and immune to the Sleepless Soul's Tiring Dirge effect for a full day. On a success, they manage to simply resist the effects, though they take 1d6 Psychic damage for the effort. On a failure they take 1d6 Psychic damage and gain Exhaustion (2) condition. On a critical failure, a creature takes 3d6 Psychic damage and falls into a deep and unnatural sleep. They may attempt a Fortitude Save on what would be their turn every turn to wake up. This secondary save is merely pass or fail.   Restless Feeding: Costs 1 Ecto Point. A Sleepless Soul can make a special attack against any sleeping target or unconscious that it is within melee range of. It makes an attack roll as if making a melee attack, but adds its Charisma Modifier to the attack roll. If it hits however, it deals no damage with the normal ghostly claw attack, instead it immediately sends the target into unconsiciousness and Dying (1). The Sleepless Soul recovers 2d8 wounds. The Sleepless Soul replenishes 2 Ecto Points if this attack scores a critical hit. If a creature is killed by this attack, its soul finds no rest but actually becomes a Sleepless Soul.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
