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Vulcan'fernas - Tane 8

Vulcan'fernas the Magma-Born by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
Scales of glittering deep oranges and reds give way up the body of this creature to true iridescent ruby scales along the ridgeline of its back, shoulders, and upper head, showing its lack of maturity. Yet it is no less majestic and impossible a specimen for this, its beauty and power radiating heat and passion and energy from its very body, its very core. Its flickering red eyes show naught but heat and passion, energy unlimited, as the Magmis-Verin, the visible artery that shines even through its chest scales radiates the purest of ruby red glows, showing a manna charged Elementias Sac, ready to unleash the fury of Doitean upon any threat or challenger. The whip like tail, still but some eight feet in length, cracks back and forth like thunder, ready to defend the majestic beast. The air around it rippling from the heat coming off even this immature and young specimen, you stare into the eyes of the impossible, as its voice, full of heat, energy, passion, and draconic power that splits your skull, yet warms you, speaks aloud.  
"You stand before Vulcan'fernas, the Magma-Born, first Ruby Tane to walk Valerick in Millenia untold. Speak, mortal kindred, if you are capable and are of the children of the Ascended, and speak swiftly. For if you do not, I've not choice but to assume like many in this realm, you have been twisted to henious and evil by the Sundering and the flooding of the Void unto this realm, and those born of such evil and nightmare, or in service to it, shall recieve only my fires!"
Perception 1d20+15
Languages Draconic, Ignan, Valarian (Common, Elthain (Elven)
Skills Athletics: 1d20+17 , Acrobatics: 1d20+15 , Bribery: 1d20+14 , Intuition: 1d20+13 , Intimidate: 1d20+18 , Lore (Arcane): 1d20+12 , Lore(History): 1d20+12 , Navigation (Terrestrial and Subterranean): 1d20+12 , Persuade: 1d20+14 , Spell-Weaving (Pyromancy): 1d20+12 , Stealth: 1d20+16

STR +5 , DEX +6 , CON +5 , INT +2 , WIS +3 , CHA +4

AC 32
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+7 , Ref 1d20+18 , Will 1d20+15 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+17 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+14 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+6
HP125 8d12+65 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (30) Fire, Resist (5) to any non magick damage source
Speed 60 feet
Melee Melee, Bite: 5 feet reach. 1d20+15 to hit. 2d8+5 piercing damage plus 1d8 fire damage   Melee, Claw: 5 feet reach. Agile and finesse. 1d20+16 to hit. 2d6+6 slashing damage plus 1d8 fire damage.   Melee, Tail Swipe: 10 feet reach, Flexible, and Shield. 1d20+15 to hit. 1d12+5 bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 fire damage.
Special Abilities Fireborn Pool (10/10): This pool is a resource pool of pure elemental energy that all Tanes possess from birth that grows with age and knowledge. For all Tanes this pool is equal to 4+Intellect Boost+1/2 Hit Dice and recovers whenever they take a Rest (long rest for you 5e folks). This pool effects many of abilities Tanes have, either allowing them to tap into them, or maintaining certain traits through their mere presence.   Fireborn Die 1d8 : This dice is added to the damage of all melee attacks Vulcan'fernas makes with any of his many natural weapons, as well as is utilized in some of his abilities. He is a youngling, not yet seeing his first century, and as such has not matured enough to wield magick directly or handle manna directly in any way yet, and as such many features of this innate traits are still beyond his reach.   Armored Hide (6): Vulcan'fernas, as a Youngling Ruby Tane, has a +6 boost to its Armor Score from his scales.   Perfection of Form: Vulcan'fernas, like all Tanes, are as close to a perfect being as exists. As a Youngling he has an Innate +2 to all Saving Throws (included in sheet)   Youngling HD: A Youngling Tane has 8 hit dice, they are d12s.   Firestorm Aura: Tanes truly radiate elemental energy out to a great distance, and even a youngling such as Vulcan'fernas is no exception. So long as he has 1 point in his Fireborn Pool, any creature within 20 feet of him when their turn begins immediately takes fire damage equal to a roll of his Fireborn Die+6. Even if he has no points left in his Fireborn Pool, any creature that makes a successful melee attack against him takes fire damage equal to a roll of his Fireborn Die.   Inferno's Breath: The legends of blasts of elemental forces from the very lungs of Tanes have foundation and fundamentals in truth. They all have unique organs and systems in place to store raw and pure elemental manna that they can unleash in a devastating burst or blast with a powerful exhale. With a crackling and smouldering exhale, like that of a volcano spitter, but of a size unimagined, a gout of liquid flame, a blast of fire and magma flows forth from Vulcan'fernas' jaws. This ability does count as having the attack trait, but requires no attack roll and thus is not subject to the Multiple Attack Penalty (though counts towards its math). The gout of liquid fire comes forth as a 30 foot cone, engulfing everything it touches in flames. Creatures within the area need to attempt a DC 24 Reflex Save. If a creature critically fails it is afflicted with the Ablaze (1d8) and Blinded (1) conditions and take double damage. Creatures that merely suffer a regular failure on the Defensive Test take 8d8 fire damage and are afflicted with the Ablaze (1d8) Condition. Creatures that succeed the Defensive Test suffer no conditions and take half damage. If a creature critically succeeds the Defensive Test, it must move out of the target area in the direction that would require the least distance that is safe, avoiding the blast entirely and taking no damage. This ability cannot be used every turn, and in fact takes a number of rounds to recover equal to 24- 1d8 .   Volcanic Leap: This is an innate ability Ruby Tane's have from even being Hatchlings. They can funnel the energy of their elemental pool through their own body, igniting the manna itself, sending it coursing as pure energy through their leg muscles and structure. By spending one action, and any number of their Fire-born Pool Points, they may make a sudden and explosive horizontal leap. For every point they spend, they may have this leap travel a distance equal to 1/2 of their movement speed. This leap must be horizontal, they cannot leap straight up into the air, the free distance is horizontal travel, so if they are attempting to make a height change as well, they must roll Athletics, a skill they are extremely potent with naturally.   Flame-born Energy: a Ruby Tane from the moment they are mature enough to breath of the Inferno, gain an innate ability to tap into their own essence the energy that makes them, that Fireborn Pool, and draw upon their own elemental core and being to accelerate their natural ability to filter manna and refill their Elementias Sac. As an action, though only 1/round, they may spend 2 points of their Fireborn Pool to reduce the recharge time of their Inferno's Breath by a number of rounds equal to a roll of their Fireborn Die.   Environmental Immunities: A Ruby Tane, from birth, is immune to non magickal sources of fire damage or heat, suffering no ill effects from any naturally occuring terrain, and in fact will see a natural benefit as they age and grow, to living in such areas. This is why stories of them lairing in the hottest and most inhospitable deserts or within the actual magma chambers of volcanoes exist. These were the habitats of such creatures. They can swim in magma or lava safely, suffering no ill effects, and treat their movement speed as a swim speed in such substances (they do not count it as a swim speed in water and in fact cannot swim in water, they will immediately begin drowning).   Environmental Energization: If a Ruby Tane is in an environment that agrees with them on an elemental level, they seem to be empowered. If they are in blistering deserts, or surrounded by magma or lava, or some other such high temperature and unbearably hot and dry climate, they gain a boost to their Initiative equal to a roll of their Fire-born Die. This is only true so long as 1 point remains in their Fire-born Pool.   Environmental Empowerment: A Ruby Tane, regardless of age, draws Doitean to it. The areas it lives in soon change, temperatures rising, more sun, more heat. The most powerful and oldest may eventually, through their mere continued presence, cause actual volcanic activity. This also effects the Aether as well, and empowers those very magicks, whilst dampening others, in an oppositional force and nature. Within 100 feet of a Youngling Ruby Tane, such as Vulcan'fernas, any attempt or roll of the Spell-Weaving (Pyromancy) skill is done with a +2 boost. Any attempt to roll Spell-Weaving (Aquamancy) within 100 feet of such a creature however, is at a -2 penalty.   Arcane Spark: Once they reach this age category, a Tane seems to instinctually begin having the ability to tap into their magickal abilities. Like all casters, they suffer the MCP or Multi-casting penalty, a culmunative -5 for each time they attempt to weave a spell in the same turn. However by this age, they begin to understand the basics of the arcane, able to tap innately into the Aether and wield limited magicks. Vulcan'fernas has gained Trained Proficiency in the Spell-Weaving (Pyromancy) skill, and may attempt to cast at Tier I any spell from the Unified Magicks list, but for Ruby Magick only (so any elemental effect or reference of appropriate element or elemental damage, is immediately and always Fire).   Truefire Entity: Being a creature born of Doitean directly, like any Ruby Tane, Vulcan'fernas fire is more than mere flames like a bonfire or inferno. Its true fire. Its all direct manna, and all infused and born of the actual energy of creation directly. Any source of fire damage caused by a Ruby Tane in this age category ignores the first 5 points of Fire Resist any creature has.   Channeling True-Fire: Upon reaching this age category, along with unlocking their magick potential, a Tane gains the innate talent and ability to pull their own essence for manna for spellweaving. Whenever they are attempting to roll a Spell-Weaving check, they may pay 2 Fireborn Points to add +4 to the skill roll. They must choose to do this free action before rolling the casting roll and can only utilize this ability 1/round.   Aether Sight: All Tanes can see in the Aether as naturally as you or I might breath.   Pyromantic Sensitivity: A Ruby Tane, from birth, is extremely sensitive to any motions and disruptions in the Aether of the flows and currents of Doitean, and this sensitivity only expands as they grow older. A Youngling such as Vulcan'fernas can sense anyone attempting to weave a spell-form of the Pyromancy School, or using Pyromancy to weave a Unified Spell-form, within 100 feet of itself with pinpoint accuracy, able to know their exact location.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
