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Forest Hag - Wyrid 5

What might have once been a woman of some beauty and visage now stands before you a twisted monster of indescribable horror and ugliness. Its skin ragged, bark like, with moss and fungi splotches growing all about it, her hunched back and overly misproportioned limbs keeping her height a little below nine feet, but her bulk is that of almost a joten. Her matted hair, such little of it that remains, reeks and seems of slimy rotten plant matter. Her eyes of a pure and envious green, with an intellect, malice, and cruelty within them that feels ancient, feels truly ancient. He hands ending not with proper fingers, but wicked hooked claws of black and grey, claws seemingly of rot and decay, though they are as sharp and vicious as steel.
Perception 1d20+10
Languages Valarian (Common), Void-Tongue
Skills Athletics: 1d20+11 , Acrobatics: 1d20+9 , Intuition: 1d20+8 , Intimidate: 1d20+10 , Navigation (Terrestrial): 1d20+8 , Lore (Occult): 1d20+10 , Lore (Herbalism): 1d20+10 , Lore (Arcana): 1d20+8 , Craft (Alchemy): 1d20+9 , Persuade: 1d20+10 , Perform (Acting): 1d20+12 , Spell-Weaving: 1d20+12 , Stealth: 1d20+9 , Survival: 1d20+8

STR +5 , DEX +3 , CON +3 , INT +2 , WIS +2 , CHA +4

Items Forest Hags do not carry much in the way of coin or obvious valuables, however they generally will be carrying some rare herbs, and at least one moderately potent potion or elixir as well as two or three lesser ones, though they just as easily can be toxins and poisons as well. They generally hide at fringes of villages and hamlets, playing the part of sagely medicine women using their Change Shape feature, and such a place will have far more of value in whatever carefully guarded room or secret basement or area the Hag was using as her lair. However such a place will also have dangerous objects present as well, perhaps even a cursed item, or a tome of some basic Daemonology, the study of summoning and binding to servitude creature of the Void. On occassion they may carry or wear some sort of magick trinket or clothing item of mild power, though they generally do not feel the need for such things, confident in their own magicks.
AC 25
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+11 , Ref 1d20+3 , Will 1d20+12 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+11 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+10 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+14
HP66 5d12+24 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances N/A
Speed 25 feet (25 feet swim)
Melee Melee, Claw: Counts as a +1 Magick Weapon. 1d20+12 to hit. 1d10+6 slashing damage as well as triggering Weakening Caress.
Special Abilities Instability (0/100): Nothing about a hag's magick is stable and every time they cast, they increase their Instability by an appropriate amount by their Instability Die. The hag can unleash their instability when casting a spell, and instead of rolling to cast, they can simply declare they are letting go, and then roll a Minor Miscast, adding their Instability. They roll to cast only to see if they crit, but they cannot fail. They can merely succeed or critical succeed. But they suffer a Minor Miscast, unavoidably, adding their Instability to that 1d100 and if you exceed 100, you simply shift to counting up the Major Miscast Table.   Instability Die 1d6 : Whenever you cast a spell or use an ability that demands it, you roll this dice to increase your Instability.   Tough as Nails: Forest Hags get Constitution Modifer to their Armor Class.   Forest's Protection: They gain a +2 Protection Boost to their Armor Class when in woodlands and forests (this has been included in this reference documents armor score so if your PCs are fighting one removed from such an environment, lower its Armor Class appropriately)   Tough Hide (3): +3 Natural Armor   Magick Mutate: +2 to any Defensive test against arcane spells or effects.   Aethyr Sight: Forest Hags have the Aethyr Sight Talent.   Darkvision: 30 feet.   Arcane Magick: Forest Hags were once apostates whom fell to the corruption of the Void and the Fell Gods. Unlike cultists whom seek such a path, they were either groomed for it and tricked or forced into it by another hag, or simply lost their way. They will generally have at least two spell-forms from the General spell-forms list at their disposal, as well as at least one from Nature, and one from Entropy. The spells presented in this template's spell list need not be treated as gospel, mix and match as you feel would be appropriate.   Instability Weaponized: Hags are shamans whom have lost their way. They weaponize the unstable nature of their magick. Whenever they trigger a miscast event and they had any instability that went into it, they can as a reaction target a creature within 30 feet. That creature must a DC 24 Will Save. If they critically fail, the creature suffers a Major Miscast. If they merely fail, the event is a Minor Miscast. If they succeed, both the Hag and the target suffer the Minor Miscast. If they Critically Succeed, the Hag suffers the Minor Miscast.   Sound Imitation: A Forest Hag can mimic the sounds of the animals in and around her lair and local environment with ease. She gains +4 to Perform (Acting) skill checks to accomplish such a task.   Betraying Touch: The Forest Hag can, when in disguise, prepare victims in advance. By laying hands on someone who does not consider her an enemy at the time, she can create a vulnerability within them to one of her most powerful abilities for a full day. Such a creature is at -4 to Saving Throws against the effect of her Weakening Caress feature upon her claw attacks for a full day.   Change Shape: Forest Hags can take the shape of a regular human or elven woman, a simple peasant, a form they can hold for up to a full day if not broken. However using any of her hag powers or magicks besides her betraying touch in such a form breaks the illusion. The form holds up to most scrutiny, having an illusionary DC of 24. A successful Will Save does not pierce the illusion, merely informs the observer that their is an illusionary disguise of a complex nature. It requires a critical success to see the hag behind the illusion clearly. A failure, whilst still able to perhaps be suspicious and convinced if enough others around them succeed, sees naught to indicate it is a complex disguise. A critical failure is utterly enthralled and convinced and cannot be swayed by non magickal means to see otherwise unless the Hag breaks the shaping illusion itself. This power can only be used 1/rest and counts as a maintained spell-form.   Weakening Caress: A creature that suffers damage from a Hag's claw attack must attempt a DC 24 Fortitude Save. If failed, they become Enfeebled (1). If critical failure, or fail against this again on a different attack, this becomes Enfeebled (2). If successful they do not suffer this condition and if critically successful they actually become fully immune to this effect from this Hag for a full day.   Decaying Exhale: The forest hag exhales a cloud of dark green-black mist over a 15 foot cone. Any creature within it must attempt a DC 24 Fortitude Save. If critically failed, they become Enfeebled (2) and Toxic ( 2d6 ). If merely failed, they become Enfeebled (1) and Toxic ( 1d6 ). If successful they merely suffer Toxic (1). Critical success is suffers no ill effects. This does count as a Spell-Weave, with a Casting DC of 20, and therefore does trigger a roll of Instability Dice.

Counter-Weave (Tier I)

  Casting DC: 18, Range: 60 feet, Duration: Instant, Target: 1 creature within range attempting to weave some sort of Arcane, Primal or Occult spell-form. Effect: Upon swiftly weaving this arcane interference, you interfere with your target's attempt to cast a spell, somehow interfering with the complex process of weaving the manna correctly. You compare your Spell-Weave roll to that of the opposing caster. Your roll takes a -2 for this comparison for each Tier higher their spell-form was being cast. Inversely if you cast at the higher Tier, your roll is granted +2 for this comparison per Tier higher you are. If your roll beat them by 10 or more, or was a natural 20 and theirs was not, you counter their spell and deal poison damage to them equal to the difference in your rolls. If you merely succeeded (beat them by less than 10), you merely counter their spell. If you failed, you merely reduce their Tier of their casting by 1. If you critically failed, their spell functions as normal and you take Force damage equal to the difference between your rolls.  

Thorned Wall (Tier I):

  Casting DC: 20, Range: 500 feet, Duration: Maintained, up to 1 minute, Target: A 30 foot line of space within range. Effect: A wall of thorned vines, the needles toxic in nature, erupts from the ground. 10 feet wide, up to 50 feet tall, this nearly impassable wall deals 2d6 poison damage/5 feet any creature travels through it. Furthermore it counts as difficult terrain, making movement through it a challenge, and it blocks line of sight.  

Spore Cloud (Tier I):

  Casting DC: 21, Range: 150 feet, Duration: Maintained up to 1 minute. Target: 20 foot radius area centered on a point in range. Effect: Anyone within the area when the cloud first appears must make a Fortitude Save. Should they fail, they take 3d6 poison damage and 1d6 psychic damage and gain Toxic 1d6 and the Confused (1) Condition. Should they succeed, they still take half damage and none of the conditions. Critical Failure doubles conditions, not damage. Critical success overcomes entirely taking no damage or conditions. The cloud imposes Blinded (2) on every creature within it, and to anyone attempting to target them with attacks, they suffer the same penalties to those attacks as if they were Blinded (2). Creatures that end their turn within the cloud must also make the above mentioned Save. You may on your turns, as one of your actions, move the Spore Cloud. It moves at a speed of 20 feet.  

Dead Zone (Tier I):

  Casting DC: 26, Range: 300 feet, Duration: Maintained for up to 1 minute. Target: 20 foot radius area centered on a point in range you can see. Effect: For the duration, in the affected area, any arcane magick except for spell-forms of the Amethyst Order (or universal spell forms cast by a magister of the Amethyst) simply will not function. Whilst this spell-form is active, once per turn as an action, you may move it at a speed of 30 feet.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
