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Crocodile (Shovel-Nose) - Animal 2

The muddy waters of the rivers of most of Gavis-Lune, from central and southern Rohara all the way down to the swamp everglades and mangrove forests of Kang-Chorath are home to this most common of the crocodile species. Masterful ambush predators, armored powerful beasts of the bygone age when scaled monsters of all kind ruled the world, they hold on to that power as the last bastion, in most of the known world anyway.
Perception 1d20+7
Languages N/A
Skills Athletics: 1d20+8 , Stealth: 1d20+8

STR +4 , DEX +2 , CON +3 , INT -5 , WIS +1 , CHA -4

AC 18
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+9 , Ref 1d20+8 , Will 1d20+5 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+8 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20-1 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20-4
HP30 2d12+16 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses Weak (2) Cold - Resistances Resist (2), Poison, Slashing, Piercing
Speed 20 feet, Swim 25 feet.
Melee Melee, Jaws: 1d20+10 to hit. 1d10+4 piercing damage plus Grab.   Melee, Tail: Agile. 1d20+10 to hit. 1d6+4 bludgeoning damage.
Special Abilities Armored Hide (2): They have 2 points of Natural Armor, accounted for in their AC on this sheet.   Deep Breath (2): A crocodilian can hold its breath for hours equal to its deep breath trait comfortably.   Ambush Damage Dice: 1d6 Special damage they get to add to any attack they make that qualifies as an ambush (so the target was in some way unaware of the animal's presence and coming attack).   Aquatic Camouflage: When in the water a Snub-nose crocodile has an additional +4 to Stealth rolls (not included on this stat sheet.)   Fluid Sensitivity: Like Tremorsense for water, 30 foot radius +2 to Perception checks.   Aquatic Ambush: Target must be within 25 feet of the crocodile and have not detected it, and the crocodile must be underwater. The crocodile can travel up to its movement speed, with this movement ending on land up to 10 feet if required. At the end of the movement, the crocodile gets to make a bite attack against a creature, that creature is considered flat-footed. If the attack scores a critical hit, then the crocodile locks its jaw, the grab initiated for free, no action or roll required.   Environmental Familiarity (Aquatic, Swamp, Marsh, Beaches, Riverlands): This creature is naturally very comfortable in all these environments, suffering no ill effects to its movement speeds from any aspect of its natural terrain that is traversable.   Death Roll: Requires you must have a creature grabbed. The crocodile tucks its legs and rolls rapidly, twisting its victim. It makes a jaws Strike with a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll against the grabbed creature. If it hits, it also knocks the creature prone. If it fails, it releases the creature. If it is a critical hit, this also inflicts Bleed (1) on the target.

Alterations/Advancement Options

  -Salt-spine Crocodile: These unique creatures are only found along Susma and Kang-Chorath's south-western coasts and islands. Though all crocodiles can swim in salt or fresh water, very few modern day crocodilians often risk the ocean, having lost the size of their ancestors. However the Salt-Spine holds some of that size still, capable to lengths in excess of 7-8 meters (20+ feet) and weighing up to 1.5-2 tons. As such these behemoths actually wander and island hop/estuary and river hop regularly in this region and are one of the dominant, apex predators. EL/CR becomes 4. Strength Modifier becomes +5, Con Modifier becomes +4, Wisdom Modifier becomes +2. Armored Hide (4), Tail becomes Reach 10 feet, bite damage increases to 2d6+5 piercing damage and tail damage increases to 1d10+5 bludgeoning damage. Athletics roll becomes 1d20+11 . Perception becomes 1d20+8 . Hit Points become 44 3d12+23 . Movement speed stays the same, but Swim Speed becomes 35 feet.   -Alligators: For the biggest specimens the template of the Shovel-nose is more than acceptable, however normally alligators are a bit smaller than crocodiles and they cant handle salt or brackish water near as well. They are also better adapted for more temperate climates, like most of northern Rohara and all of Valewyr., which is where they are found. Average alligator will have Strength Modifier +3, Con Modifier +2, and its hit points will only be 20 1d12+13 and their CR/EL becomes 1.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
