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Suboles (Mole Men)

Mechanically intelligent gunslinging subterranean humanoids that specialize in mining, livestock (large insects), and invention. They range from 2' to 4'6" and 30 to 100 pounds. They tend to live in their underground web of tunnels and caverns that make up their villages and cities. Their personalities generally are quiet, reserved, and loving, but they can be quite ferocious when defending their homes or loved ones.
ability score increase: +2 to any Score, +1 to any other Score
age: Usually around 50 years
alignment: Typically LG
Size: Small
speed: 30 Feet walking speed, and a burrow speed equal to half your walking speed
Languages: Common and Undercommon
race features:
Burrowing Claws- Your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 slashing, and they allow you to burrow through soft earth.   Limited Vision- Without an vision assistance, you can't make out details further than 30 feet from you and you have disadvantage on perception checks that rely on sight.   Tremor Sence- Within 30 feet of you, you can feel the movements of anything touching or moving through the ground you are on. You know it's location as long as it continues moving and if it is a creature it can not be hidden from you.   Ingenious Inventors- You gain proficency in 2 INT skills or ecpertise in 1, and you gain proficency in a tool and firearms.   Friendly Folk- You gain proficency in animal handling (expirtise if already proficent) and 1 CHA skill, and when making a CHA check against a creature bigger than you that isn't hostile to you then you get +5 to the roll. You don't get this bonus if the creature can't understand you.   Sensitive Darkvision- You have darkvision out to 60 feet, unless you are in an area of bright light.   Family Connection- Suboles can telepathically communicate words and emotions with eachother within 100 feet. At the end of a long rest you may choose up to 3 other creatures, that long rested within 100 feet of you the whole rest, and you can communicate with them in this way until your next long rest. If you choose only 1 creature then the range is extended to 1 mile instead of 100 feet.   Air Conservation- You are very efficent with your breaths, you use 1/4th the amount of air, you can hold your breath up to 10 minutes, and you gain advantage on saves against anything harmful you breathe in.
Furry small usually round humanoids. They have short hair all over their body in shades of brown, small eyes, small to large claws, and either long thin noses or star shaped noses.

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