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ability score increase: Constitution +2, Wisdom +1
age: Undeath causes age to be of little meaning to a Sporisen's lifespan; their age resembles their host body's age
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Common, One language your host knew
race features:

Undead. Your character is classified as an Undead; most healing spells do not affect you, but healing potions function.

Mycelial Healing Factor. Undeath makes it harder for your character to stay dead when you sustain mortal injuries. When you die (as long as your head is intact), your character goes into a dormant state for 3 days; your host body loses most motor function and you can only talk. Regarding revival magic, the timeframe for the revival to work is extended by 3 days and decapitation/dismemberment is only a minor inconvenience; as long as severed body parts are present when revival magic is cast, mycelial strands will reattach these body parts. If body parts are missing or only the head remains, they will slowly regenerate.

Telepathy of the Spore. The spores you emit allow you telepathically talk with creatures within 30 ft. (given they breathe). To communicate this way, the other creature must know at least one language. If you meet or have met another Sporisen or Myconid, you can cast the sending spell targeting them; once you do this, you cannot cast this spell targeting that same creature until you finish a long rest.

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