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Draconic Bloodline


The blood of dragons flows through your veins. These beasts are both fearsome in combat and skilled at magic.

Tradition variable (see Draconic Exemplars below Bloodline Skills Intimidation and one other skill (see Draconic Exemplars below)
Sorcerous Gifts cantrip: shield; 1st: fear; 2nd: see Draconic Exemplars below; 3rd: haste; 4th: fly; 5th: see Draconic Exemplars below; 6th: dragon form (dragon must match your draconic exemplar 7th: mask of terror; 8th: see Draconic Exemplars below; 9th: overwhelming presence
Bloodline Spells initial: flurry of claws; advanced: dragon breath; greater: dragon wings
Blood Magic—Scaly Hide Draconic scales grow briefly on you or one target, granting a +1 status bonus to AC for 1 round.

Draconic Exemplars

At 1st level, choose the tradition related to the dragon exemplar who influenced your bloodline. You can’t change your dragon exemplar later. As noted, this affects both your bloodline’s features and your sorcerous gift spells.

  • Arcane—Tradition arcane; Bloodline Skill Arcana; Sorcerous Gifts 2nd: blazing bolt; 5th: subconscious suggestion; 8th: quandary
  • Divine—Tradition divine; Bloodline Skill Religion; Sorcerous Gifts 2nd: augury; 5th: divine immolation; 8th: divine inspiration
  • Occult—Tradition occult; Bloodline Skill Occultism; Sorcerous Gifts 2nd: blood vendetta; 5th: slither; 8th: unrelenting observation
  • Primal—Tradition primal; Bloodline Skill Nature; Sorcerous Gifts 2nd: shatter; 5th: howling blizzard; 8th: earthquake

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Action / Feat
