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Like the great hero Haktos, you are resistant to physical harm. Use the Unscarred Origin table to determine how you gained your legendary invulnerability. Additionally, you gain the following trait.   Unscarred Resilience: When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Unscarred Origin
1I was bathed in hydra's blood as an infant, and my wounds close too quickly to become mortal injuries.
2I swallowed a magic stone that fell from Nyx, which made my skin hard as rock.
3When I was wounded as a child, a god healed me. Now wounds are reluctant to undo the god's work.
4I was rescued from the Underworld, and I'm not sure I fully returned to lifeā€”it's always so cold.
5I was born on one of the Dakra Isles. All my people are naturally resilient, a fact I didn't realize until I lost my home and ventured into the world.
6I don't know who one or more of my parents is, but my resilience (and other hints) provide clues to their immortal identity.

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