Sword of the Slave Knight
Rare You must know suffering.
Requires Attunement
Heavy, Two-Handed
A few hundred years ago, there was a Knight, who fell into the service of a cruel and greedy noble. The knight owe him a lot of money and the noble tricked him into servitude for life. He served for 5 cruel years, when his last mission came... he was ordered to join forces with a few adventurers and visit a newly found ancient Dungeon to bring back artifacts for the noble. He met his end within said daungeon, the only thing left behind by him was his trusted greatsword, which endured his pain with him, absorbing his pain and suffering. After his death, it inherited a small part of his passing soul, gifting the sword supernatural and magical abilities. The sword lays dormant deep within the Dungeon, waiting for a suffering soul to pick it up, and help them get through pain.
Its tip got broken off, and it became a bit rusty and dull over the years beneath the earth, but it is still a dangeorus weapon in the hands of the willing.
Dull, but Painful (Passive)
The blade’s edge is worn, yet the weight of suffering it carries makes it deadly.
Instead of 2d6 slashing, this greatsword deals 1d6 slashing + 1d6 psychic damage.
Chained Knight
The knight's suffering has become your shield, allowing you to endure the unendurable.
When you get restrained, you can use your reaction, to embrace the chains on your body. You gain resistance to all damage while you are restrained, up to 5 rounds (30 sec).
You can use this up to your constitution modifier per long rest (minimum of 1).
Stored Pain (Passive)
The sword absorbs suffering, collecting the echoes of wounds you take.
Each time you take damage, the blade stores that amount in itself as Stored Pain, up to a maximum of 5*Your Proficiency Bonus.
This resets after a long rest, or when used up.
Retaliation, Know My Pain
As an
action, you may unleash the stored agony in a
20 ft burst around you.
All creatures of your choice, who have damaged you since your last long rest must make a
DC 14 Wisdom saving throw.
Other hostile creatures in the area autimatically save against this ability.
On a
failure, they take
psychic damage equal to the stored pain and are
frightened of you until the end of their next turn.
On a
success, they take
half damage and are
not frightened.
You can use this ability
twice per long rest, the Stored Pain is emptied after use.
The blade screams as the pain is released, a final wail of defiance against those who would cause suffering.
Type |
Damage |
Damage |
Range |
Martial Melee |
1d6 slashing + 1d6 psychic |
None |
Weight: 5 lb.