Very Rare
While holding this flexible wooden pole that is 10 feet in length and holds 1 charge, you can use an action to speak the command word "dijak" and cause it to collapse into a 1-foot-long rod and regain 1 expended charge. The pole's weight does not change. You can also use the command word and cause the rod to revert to a pole, however, it will elongate only as far as the surrounding space allows. While it is a rod you can instead use an action to expend 1 charge and cause the rode to elongate explosively, still only expanding as far as the surrounding space allows. A creature in the pole's path must succeed a Dexterity, DC20 saving throw or be pushed 5ft. and take 1d8 bludgeoning damage. If pointed toward the ground, this will launch the wielder up to 30ft. in any direction they have aimed toward that is not obstructed.I typical quarterstaff capped with thick iron finials and adorned with several stationary iron rings. The pole is also carefully wrapped in linen bindings near each end.
Type | Damage | Damage | Range |
Simple Melee | 1d6 | Bludgeoning | 5ft. |
Cost: 40,000 gp
Weight: 4lb