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Jamey Foley LN
Character Name Alignment
Fighter 7
Character Level
Human M
Race Size
Male 23
Gender Age
5'11" 175
Height Weight
Red Green
Hair Eyes
- Agoraian Valley
Deity Homeland
- 0
Domain/Oath/Patron/School XP

Ability Score Mod T.Adj T.Mod
18 +4 N/A +4
14 +2 N/A +2
12 +1 N/A +1
10 +0 N/A +0
13 +1 N/A +1
10 +0 N/A +0
 Change in tracker!
HP Total
Dam Red
Spell Res
Total AC
Flat Footed
Flat Footed + Touch
Save Total Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Fortitude +6 +5 CON +1 +0 +0 +0
Reflex +4 +2 DEX +2 +0 +0 +0
Will +3 +2 WIS +1 +0 +0 +0
Saving Throw Notes

Fighter Favored Class: Add +1 to the Fighter’s CMD when resisting Bull Rush and Grapple.

Bravery: a fighter gains a +2 bonus on Will saves against fear.

Combat Maneuver Bonus CMB
CMB BaB STR Size Misc
+11 +7 +4 +0 +0
Combat Maneuver Defense CMD
CMD Base BaB STR DEX Size Misc
23 10 +7 +4 +2 +0 +0
30 ft


Adventuring Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Acrobatics +2 (DEX)  +2 +0 +0
  Bluff +0 (CHA)  +0 +0 +0
  Climb +8 (STR)  +4 +1 +3
  Diplomacy +0 (CHA)  +0 +0 +0
  Disguise +0 (CHA)  +0 +0 +0
  Escape Artist +2 (DEX)  +2 +0 +0
  Fly +2 (DEX)  +2 +0 +0
  Heal +1 (WIS)  +1 +0 +0
  Intimidate +6 (CHA)  +0 +3 +3
  Knowledge: Arcana +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Dungeoneering +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Local +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Nature +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Planes +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Religion +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Perception +8 (WIS)  +1 +7 +0
  Ride +5 (DEX)  +2 +0 +3
  Sense Motive +1 (WIS)  +1 +0 +0
  Stealth +2 (DEX)  +2 +0 +0
  Survival +6 (WIS)  +1 +2 +3
  Swim +7 (STR)  +4 +0 +3
Background Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Appraise +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Engineering +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Geography +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: History +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Nobility +0 (INT)  +0 +0 +0
Custom Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Craft: siegeworks +2 (INT)  +0 +2 +0
  Profession:Watchman +5 (WIS)  +1 +4 +0

* only usable when trained (rank 1 and higher)
Skill Notes
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Spear), Power Attack DMG , Furious Focus DMG , Cleave, Improved Bull Rush , Great Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Overrun

Special Abilities

Armor Training 2, Weapon Training (Spears)


signal whistle, bullseye lantern, manacles, 2x Cure Moderate Wounds Potions

Name AB Critical Type Range Ammo Dmg
Masterwork Spear +14 {20} x3 Piercing 20 ft 1 1d8+5
Light Shield +11 {20} x2 Blugeoning 20 ft 1 1d3+4
Light Crossbow +9 {19-20} x2 Piercing 80 ft 20 bolts 1d8
Name ACB Type Check Penality Spell Failure Weight Properties
Masterwork Chain Mail +6 Medium -3 30% 40 lbs na
Light Steel Shield +1 shield -1 5% 6 lbs na

The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment


Masterwork Chainmail

Bonus Max DEX Bonus Armor Check Penalty Arcane Spell Failure % Speed (M) Speed (S)
6 3 -4 30% 20 ft 15 ft

Special: This Exceptionally well fitting chainmail protects the wearer with a complete mesh of chain links that cover the torso and arms, and extends below the waist. Multiple interconnected pieces offer additional protection over vital areas. The suit includes gauntlets.
Cost: 300 gp
Weight: 40 lbs


Masterwork Spear

Damage (S) Damage (M) Type Critical Range
1d6 1d8 Masterwork, Two-Handed, Simple, Piercing, spears, thrown, tribal 20, x3 20 ft. (thrown)

Special: Masterwork- Wielding this spear provides a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls. brace- If you use a readied action to set a brace weapon against a charge, you deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging creature
Cost: 302 gp
Weight: 6 lbs

A finely crafted spear that is 5 feet in length and can be thrown.


Crossbow, Light

Damage (S) Damage (M) Type Critical Range
1d6 1d8 Simple, Ranged, Piercing 19-20/x2 80 ft. (projectile)

Special: Load: Loading a light crossbow is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Cost: 35 gp
Weight: 4 lbs

You draw a light crossbow back by pulling a lever. Normally, operating a light crossbow requires two hands. However, you can shoot, but not load, a light crossbow with one hand at a –2 penalty on attack rolls. You can shoot a light crossbow with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two light weapons. This penalty is cumulative with the penalty for one-handed firing.


signal whistle

signal whistle
1 cp
A brass whistle that can easily be heard up to 300 ft away
Pathfinder, Homebrew, Equipment, Adventuring Gear,

Bullseye Lantern

Bullseye Lantern
12 gp
3 lbs
A bullseye lantern provides normal light in a 60-foot cone and increases the light level by one step in the area beyond that, out to a 120-foot cone (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A bullseye lantern does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lantern burns for 6 hours on 1 pint of oil. You can carry a lantern in one hand.
SRD, Pathfinder, Equipment, Illumination

Manacles, Common

Manacles, Common
15 gp
2 lbs
Manacles can bind a Medium creature. A manacled creature can use the Escape Artist skill to slip free (DC 30, or DC 35 for masterwork manacles). Breaking the manacles requires a Strength check (DC 26, or DC 28 for masterwork manacles). Manacles have hardness 10 and 10 hit points.   Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the manacles.   For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Small creature. For a Large creature, manacles cost 10 times the indicated amount, and for a Huge creature, 100 times the indicated amount. Gargantuan, Colossal, Tiny, Diminutive, and Fine creatures can be held only by specially made manacles, which cost at least 100 times the indicated amount.
SRD, Pathfinder, Equipment, Restraints

Shield, Light; Wooden or Steel

Bonus Max DEX Bonus Armor Check Penalty Arcane Spell Failure % Speed (M) Speed (S)
1 -1 5%

Special: Wooden or Steel: Wooden and steel shields offer the same basic protection, though they respond differently to some spells and effects. Shield Bash Attacks: You can bash an opponent with a light shield. See “shield, light” on Table: Weapons for the damage dealt by a shield bash. Used this way, a light shield is a martial bludgeoning weapon. For the purpose of penalties on attack rolls, treat a light shield as a light weapon. If you use your shield as a weapon, you lose its Armor Class bonus until your next turn. An enhancement bonus on a shield does not improve the effectiveness of a shield bash made with it, but the shield can be made into a magic weapon in its own right.
Cost: 3 gp, 9 gp
Weight: 5 lbs / 6 lbs


The statblocks of your class features

Improved Initiative

 Benefit: (Combat)

You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.  


Weapon Focus

Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple (or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as your weapon for the purposes of this feat.
 Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1.
 Benefit: (Combat)
You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.


Power Attack

You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by sacrificing accuracy for strength.


Str 13, base attack bonus +1.


You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon.   When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2.   You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.

Furious Focus

Even in the midst of fierce and furious blows, you can find focus in the carnage and your seemingly wild blows strike home.


Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.


When you are wielding a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon with two hands, and using the Power Attack feat, you do not suffer Power Attack’s penalty on melee attack rolls on the first attack you make each turn. You still suffer the penalty on any additional attacks, including attacks of opportunity.



Fighter, Level 2


Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.

Armor Training


Fighter Level 3


Starting at 3rd level, a fighter learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever he is wearing armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, and 15th), these bonuses increase by +1 each time, to a maximum –4 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +4 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed.   In addition, a fighter can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 7th level, a fighter can move at his normal speed while wearing heavy armor.   Advanced Armor Training: Beginning at 7th level, instead of increasing the benefits provided by armor training (reducing his armor’s check penalty by 1 and increasing its maximum Dexterity bonus by 1), a fighter can choose an advanced armor training option. If the fighter does so, he still gains the ability to move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor at 3rd level, and while wearing heavy armor at 7th level.


You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing.


Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.


As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the first and also within reach. You can only make one additional attack per round with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn.

Improved Bull Rush

You are skilled at pushing your foes around.


Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.


You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a bull rush combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to bull rush a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to bull rush you.


You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a bull rush combat maneuver.

Great Cleave

You can strike many adjacent foes with a single blow.


Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack, base attack bonus +4.


As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the previous foe and also within reach. If you hit, you can continue to make attacks against foes adjacent to the previous foe, so long as they are within your reach. You cannot attack an individual foe more than once during this attack action. When you use this feat, you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn.

Weapon Training


Fighter Level 5


Starting at 5th level, a fighter can select one group of weapons, as noted below. Whenever he attacks with a weapon from this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.   Every four levels thereafter (9th*, 13th, and 17th), a fighter becomes further trained in another group of weapons. He gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when using a weapon from this group. In addition, the bonuses granted by previous weapon groups increase by +1 each. For example, when a fighter reaches 9th level, he receives a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with one weapon group and a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls with the weapon group selected at 5th level. Bonuses granted from overlapping groups do not stack. Take the highest bonus granted for a weapon if it resides in two or more groups.   A fighter also adds this bonus to any combat maneuver checks made with weapons from his group. This bonus also applies to the fighter’s Combat Maneuver Defense when defending against disarm and sunder attempts made against weapons from this group.   Advanced Weapon Training: Beginning at 9th level, instead of selecting an additional fighter weapon group, a fighter can choose an advanced weapon training option for one fighter weapon group that he previously selected with the weapon training class feature.

Improved Overrun

You are skilled at running down your foes.


Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.


You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing an overrun combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to overrun a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to overrun you. Targets of your overrun attempt may not choose to avoid you.


You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing an overrun combat maneuver.

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

Statblocks for your spells.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Character Sheet
