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Parry [X]You may roll MAR and replace your base DEF with that number after being attacked in melee. This is called a Parry test. A successful Parry test results in the attack missing. You may make one test per X per turn. Only one Parry test may be made per enemy attack. You choose which of multiple weapons/MARs to use for each Parry test. A Parry test is treated as an Opposed test with the model employing Parry as the opposer. [R] If you are hit by several attacks at the same point in the combat sequence, you may choose which to try and Parry. You may not wait until later in the sequence and try and come back to Parry an “earlier” hit. If the result is less than your DEF, your DEF is used instead of the result of the roll. Abilities such as Swift may modify the Parry test. If the roll is a Tarch, your DEF for that attack is 1 and cannot be modified. A single attack may not be both Parried and Dodged. Parry may make use of Split Dice. A Parry that makes use of Split Dice is still one Parry. Critical Success on the Parry allows an immediate single attack by you using the MAR/weapon of the Parry, against the enemy that got the original hit result. This is called a Riposte. You may only Riposte models in contact. There may be one such attack per level of Critical Success.No unwieldy, Limited to Parry [1] unless Sword, StaffB3X

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Statblock Type

Generic, Table
