Hit Points
Hit Dice: d4 per Psionic level
Hit Points at first Level: 10X character level
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 10 X character level
Armor: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Small arms
Tools: Biotic Amps
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from acrobatics, athletics, history, insight, medicine, survival
Overview & Creation
Using biological implants and conscious control of their nervous system, the psionic manipulates the forces of gravitational attraction,molecular bonding, and dark energy to control and devastate the battlefield.
Class Features
At Level 1
- Unarmored Defense: When not wearing armor or using a hard light generator, your ac equals 10+your dexterity modifier+ your Wisdom modifier.
- Empowered strikes: You can expend one of your psi points to enhance your Distort or a melee weapon you are holding, adding an additional 1d4 force damage for up to 1 minute, this requires concentration.
- Distort: When you take the attack action on your turn you have access to a special attack, called Distort. If you can attack multiple times, you may replace one or more attacks with a Distort. Distort targets a 5 foot cube within 60 feet, targets affected by the cube must make a Dex save against your psionic save dc. Targets who fail take 1d8+wis mod Force damage, or no damage on a success.
At Level 2
- You can expend 1 psi point to cast catapult using your telepath save dc. The weight limit on catapult is increased by a number equal to your level in this class times 5, and catapult deals extra damage equal to 1d8 for every 10 extra pounds above 5.
- You can expend 1 psi points to cast Magnify Gravity
- Whenever you use empowered strikes, your movement is increased by 10 feet as long as you hold concentration
- You can cast the mage hand cantrip at will, and the hand is invisible
At Level 3
- At this level you choose a subclass: Living Weapon, or Manipulator
- Ballistic denial When you are hit by a ranged attack, you can use your reaction and expend a psi point to bolster your shields to reduce the damage taken by 1d10+Wis mod+ Telepath level
- You can use 2 psi points to cast Levitate
At Level 4
- Ability Score improvement
- You can use one psi point to cast Featherfall
At Level 5
- Extra Attack
- the damage die of distort is increased to 2d8, and the damage increase from empowered strikes is increased to 1d6
- When you reduce a creature's shield to 0 with distort, they must make a constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn
At level 6
- You can cast empowering strikes on another creature's melee weapon.
- you can use 3 psi points to cast fly on yourself
- You can spend 3 psi points to cast pulse wave
At Level 7
- Evasion: When you must make a dexterity saving throw for half damage, you now take no damage on a success, and half damage on a failure.
- Your conscious control of your nervous system gives you advantage on saving throws involving any form of mental manipulation, and can use your action to end the frightened or charmed effect on yourself.
At Level 8
- Ability score improvement
At level 9
- You can spend 4 psi points to cast Gravity sinkhole
- Whenever you use your distortion attack, you can use a psi point to attack twice again with distortion as a bonus action
At Level 10
- you can use your action to project a psychic barrier in a 15 foot sphere centered on you, this barrier can hold in breathable air, and protects anyone inside from hostile environments, such as toxic gas or adverse temperatures. attacks targeted at you or anyone inside the barrier must first destroy the barrier. It has an AC of 13 and an HP equal to (your level in this class plus your constitution modifier)*10. This requires concentration and requires your action on each subsequent turn to maintain. This sphere can be held up to 10 minutes.
- You can spend 5 psi points to cast telekinesis
At level 11
- Your distortion attack increases to 3d8, and empowered strikes to 1d8
- You can spend 6 psi points to cast gravity fissure
At level 12
- Ability score improvement
At Level 13
- You can share your barrier's energy as a reaction when a creature within 10 feet of you takes damage, reducing the damage by 1d10+con mod+ level in this class, and subtracting that amount from your own shield reserves. Whenever you are under the influence of Empowering strikes you are no longer affected by difficult terrain and are able to float down at a rate of 60 feet per turn unharmed.
- You can spend 3 psi points to cast protection from energy
At Level 14
- You are now proficient in all saving throws, and additionally are always protected from adverse weather and temperature conditions.
At Level 15
- you can cast reverse gravity for 6 psi points
- you can cast earthquake for 7 psi points
- you can use a bonus action to spend 1 psi point to give yourself resistance to nonmagical piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning until the end of your next turn
At level 16
- ability score improvement
at level 17
- your distortion attack increases to 4d8, and empowered strikes to 1d10
- You can spend 8 psi points to cast Dark Star
at level 18
- You can spend 9 psi points to cast astral projection
- You can spend 10 psi points to cast meteor swarm
- You can spend 10 psi points to cast Ravenous Void
At level 20
when you have 0 psi points remaining and roll for initiative, you gain 4.
Starting Equipment
Wisdom is your casting stat, with saving DC's for your features equal to 8+wis mod+ proficiency bonus.
You have a number of psi points equal to half your level (rounded down) in this class plus your constitution modifier. You regain all expended psi points on a short or long rest
Subclass Options
Living Weapon
- Beginning when you choose this class at level 3, your shield increases by an amount equal to your constitution modifier times your character level
- Melee combat can no longer bypass your shield, as you have replaced it with a psychically created barrier of force, and you may spend 1 psi point as a reaction to cast absorb elements.
- You can spend 1 psi point to propel yourself at a creature within 60 feet, and they must make a strength saving throw, on a failure they are knocked prone and take 2d8 bludgeoning damage, taking half damage and not being knocked prone on a success
At level 6
- You can use your action to re-empower your shield, regaining 10 points per psi point spent.
- When you reduce damage on projectiles to zero with your ballistic denial, you can redirect that same amount of damage back at the attacking creature, additionally, your ballistic denial does not take up your reaction.
At level 11:
- your charge attack now does 4d8 bludgeoning damage, and its range is increased to 120 feet.
- You can spend when you are holding a melee weapon under the effects of empowered strikes, you are considered under the effect of the Blur spell
- you can spend 5 psi points to cast destructive wave
- you can spend 5 psi points to cast steel wind strike
- You can spend 6 psi points to cast spiritual weapon at a 6th level.
At level 17
- you can cast your charge as a reaction when a creature in range attacks someone other than you, additionally the damage increases to 4d8 bludgeoning damage.
- when you hit a creature with a melee attack or your charge, you can add 1d12 of extra force damage for 2 psi points, and can add an additional 1d12 per psi point.
- beginning when you choose this class at level 3, your levitate ability is instead focused on a 10 foot cube, you may increase the dimension of the cube by 5 feet for every additional point spent.
- you can spend 3 psi points to create a singularity on a point of your choice within 90 feet. Creatures within a 20 foot radius of this point must make a strength saving throw or be dragged towards the center of the effect at a rate of 10 feet per turn Creatures that end their turn in the air have disadvantage on their saving throw, and unless they have a flying speed they are considered Restrained. Creatures that reach the singularity take damage equal to your character level plus con mod at the start of each of their turns. They may repeat this saving throw as an action. You can increase the radius of the sphere by 10 feet per additional psi point spent. This singularity lasts for 1 minute, no concentration required.
- You can use your action to make a cubic area equal to your constitution modifier times 5 difficult terrain
At level 6
- Your distort special attack now resonates with your levitate and singularity abilities, casting distort on a creature affected by either of these abilities causes a small explosion, extra damage equal to your empowered strike to the creature and causing all other creatures within 10 feet to make a dexterity saving throw, taking half damage on a save.
- Whenever you hit an enemy with the distort effect, you can push or pull them a number of feet equal to your constitution modifier
At level 11:
- You can spend 1 psi point to cast thunderwave, and spend additional psi points to increase the range by 10 feet and damage by 1d8 per point.
- You can spend 3 psi points to cast blink
- You can spend 4 psi points to cast slow, and can spend additional psi points to increase the area of effect by 10 feet per point
- You can spend 5 psi points to cast wall of force
At level 17:
- All area of affect spells you cast have their range increased by an additional 10 feet.
- You can use a bonus action and spend a psi point to cause a creature you can see to have disadvantage on all saving throws against your spells for 1 minute. you can spend extra psi points to target additional creatures up to a maximum of your constitution modifier
- You can spend 7 psi points to cast whirlwind.
- You can spend 8 psi points to cast tsunami, except it deals force damage.