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Warped Sorrow

You must choose this feat immediately after choosing the Elf of Half-Elf race and before choosing a class..
 Prerequisites: race: Elf or Half-Elf
 Benefit: You have succumbed to the Warping. Roll a d20. Choose the Warped Sorrow corresponding with the result of the roll from the table below and add it to your character sheet. For all Half-Elves, all effects are halved, rounded up, for any rolls or numerical bonuses awarded or required by the feat.

  1. Your skin becomes like bark. You look worse for wear but you feel tougher. Subtract 2 from your Charisma to a minimum of 5. For clerics and sorcerers, the minimum is 10. Add 1d4 to your total hitpoints. For every level gained beyond level 1, add +1 to your total hitpoints. Beyond level 10, the bonus increases to +2 per level gained. At level 20, you essentially become a walking sapling. You must succeed a DC roll of 10 in order to be able to take any bonus actions during combat due to being so slow.
  2. All cooked food tastes like poison. You will only eat raw food. On your turn, you can use your action to chew on a raw piece of Raw Meat to heal 1d4 points of damage. This consumes the piece and you cannot use this action if you do not have any more left in your inventory, however, more pieces of Raw Meat can be collected from fresh animal kills or shopkeepers. After three days, the piece becomes inedible. If you ingest any inedible uncooked meat and any sort of cooked food, you take 1d4 of poison damage for every piece or portion consumed.  
  3. Fleshy threads run up and down your lips, almost shutting your mouth closed. It doesn't really hurt, but it makes talking rather difficult. You can still speak, but any spells cast which requires a spoken component is cast at half the strength or efficiency if it fails a DC roll of 10. If succeeded, the spell is cast as normal.
  4. Your bond to your familiar, or any other sort of follower or pet, has weakened. Sometimes, it just doesn't seem to listen to you. Every time you give a command to any creature under your direct control, it will ignore it and stay put if you fail a DC roll of 5. You can try the same command again, but each time, the DC roll is increased by 2. The DC buff resets at dawn or if you try to command another creature.
  5. At sunrise, your mouth stays shut. You cannot speak, eat or drink, and you cannot cast any spells that require a spoken component, but you can still transmit or receive telepathic thoughts if you have that ability. At sunset, this effect ceases.
  6. Every time you deal fire damage, be it through magical means or otherwise, you have to succeed a DC roll of 10 in order to avoid being ignited. On a failed DC roll of 5, you burst into flames for two rounds. Every round you are burning, you take 1d4 fire damage. This effect is susceptible to all other feats that diminish or otherwise negate fire damage.
  7. Your body seems like a stranger to you. It shifts and moves in ways unfamiliar to you. Your physical attacks score a critical hit on a 18-20, but you also incur a critical miss on a 1-5.
  8. Your attunement to magic has changed in certain ways. All your cantrips have a chance to fail on DC roll of 5. Every time the same cantrip is attempted again, the DC roll increases by 2. Changing the cantrip or waiting until next dawn will reset the DC buff. If you do not know any cantrips, you learn Minor Illusion. All of the above rules still apply.
  9. Your left hand has been twisted by the Warping. Most of the time is too weak to carry any shield or weapon, but you found that you can control the Warping to a certain degree by shaping and hardening the flesh and skin of your arm. You can use Flesh Spear as a bonus action. You can attack any living creature in melee range and has +2 to hit die. If it hits, it deals 1d8 of physical damage. On a natural critical hit of 19-20, the creature is also knocked back and interrupted if its size is medium or below. You can only use Flesh Spear once every 3 turns.
  10. Your body has been infested from the inside out. You lose 2 health points every time you land a physical attack, but you also add 1d4 of acid damage to the damage roll of the attack.
  11. Your clothes and armor have fused to your body overnight. You cannot wear any other type of armor or clothes on top, but you gain +3 to your AC because of the fusion.
  12. You grow a pair of large antlers. You have disadvantage to all of your Stealth checks but gain advantage to all of your Intimidation checks.
  13. The Warping has hardened your skin to the point that it has a stone-like surface. You feel no pain any longer and your overall speed is reduced to 20ft. Your actions in combat take longer than normal and thus lose the ability to perform any other actions than Attack, Cast a Spell and Use an Object. You also gain +4 to your AC.
  14. Your skin fractures continuously all over your body. It feels unnaturally fast, only to fracture again and again. As a result, your whole body is covered in cracked wounds at different stages of healing. All proficiency bonuses for your Persuasion are negated and you roll with disadvantage on all of your Persuasion checks. You gain the ability to heal up to 1d4/2 points of damage every turn automatically, due to your accelerated healing powers.
  15. Your Warping has rendered your body unstable. When your hit points have been reduced to below half your total, the next attack or damaging spell that lands against you will make your body erupt in pustules filled with poison. The following attack or spell that lands against you will make all of the pustules on your body explode, dealing 1d8 poison damage to all of the surrounding creatures and half of that damage to yourself. This cycle repeats itself until the character is either reduced to 0 hit points or healed to above half of his or her total hitpoints.
  16. The Warping has robbed you of your Elven traits. Remove Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry and Trance from your character sheet. Instead, The Warped Elves need to sleep like the other races. Any proficiency in your Perception skill, gained from other traits or feats, are maintained. You also gain +1 to all of your ability scores up to a maximum of 18. Half-Elves lose the Fey Ancestry trait and Skill Versatility allows you to gain proficiency in only one skill. You can choose which one you need to remove out of the two you originally chose.
  17. The Warping has caused leaves and moss to cover your body. Your hair has also been transformed this way and your skin has turned to bark. Any fire damaged applied to you is intensified. Roll 1d4 and add the result to any fire damage roll you take. You are able to communicate with any sentient plants and even receive messages telepathically from the Dreamtree if you are within 3 miles from it. In combat, you can take an action to try to calm a sentient plant by rolling against a DC of 15. If succeeded, you manage to convince the plant to stop attacking you. Any aggressive gestures or sounds from yourself will infuriate the sentient plant and you cannot try to calm it again. The sentient plan can only be calmed in regards to yourself, however, it may still decide to attack the other members of your party, if they are close enough and act in an aggressive or violent way.
  18. Your body has been altered in such a way by the Warping that all healing effects have a reversed effect on you. Instead, you can recuperate lost hitpoints by drinking poison or coming into contact with poison. The amount healed is equal with the amount of damage the poison normally does. For example, if a Flask of Poison does 1d6 points of poison damage to living creatures, instead it will heal you for the same amount. Any healing applied to you damages you for the same amount.
  19. Your legs have disappeared overnight, replaced by a snake-like tail. Your skin has turned scaly. You can keep yourself upright to your normal height. You can crawl up on any surface that is not too glossy or slippery and you can use your tail to hang from branches and high places, provided it has something to wrap around on without the need for any ability check rolls. You suffer a -6 to any Charisma related ability checks and saving throws in any social situations when dealing with any of the civilized races. You can understand and speak to snakes and (to a lesser degree) other reptiles, and even give them simple commands which they may choose to follow (at the GM's discretion).
  20. The Warping has caused your eyes to be covered by fleshy outgrowths. You can no longer see. You gain Echolocation in a 60ft radius which gives you the ability to distinguish your surroundings with enough clarity. If deafened, Echolocation is nullified. You suffer a -3 penalty to all of your Charisma based skill checks. All your physical and damaging spells gain a critical hit on a 18-20.
  Note: This table is a Work In Progress


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Pathfinder 1e

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