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Greatsword, +1, Keen Edge, Righteous Might

Gorum's Thorn

Damage (S) Damage (M) Type Critical Range
2d6+1 Slashing 17-20 x2 5' reach

Cost: 6350
Weight: 8 LBS

This forge-blackened +1 Keen Greatsword is festooned with religious iconography depicting glorious images of the Lor in Iron. If Gorum is the wielders Patron, Gorum's Thorn gains an additional ability.  When the wearer confirms a CRIT against a Giant subtype creature they can attempt a free action Trip attack against the same creature without provoking an attack of opertunity and ignoring all size restrictions.  If the trip fails by 10 or more the wielder is NOT knocked prone


Created by

Gordon Blueaxe.


Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

