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Warhammer, +2 enchant, Impact Enchant, used by the giant Minderhal before he became a diety


Damage (S) Damage (M) Type Critical Range
1d8+2 Blunt 20 x3 Melee

Special: Very
Cost: Priceless
Weight: 2.5 Lbs

Agrimmosh appears to be a simple stone blacksmith’s hammer engraved with Minderhal’s holy symbol. It functions as a +2 impact warhammer that automatically resizes itself to match the size of its wielder.   Whenever the wielder of Agrimmosh successfully strikes a creature with the hammer, as an immediate action he can attempt a targeted dispel check against the struck creature, as dispel magic, to end a single ongoing transmutation effect that alters the target’s size. Other ongoing spells and effects are unaffected. The wielder uses the hammer’s caster level as his own when attempting such a dispel check.   Whenever the wielder of Agrimmosh confirms a critical hit against a creature of the humanoid type, the target creature must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or shrink by one size category, as by heightened reduce person. This effect lasts for 20 minutes.   Agrimmosh also gains 3 charges, which renew at the beginning of each day. The wielder can expend the listed number of charges to activate one of the following spelllike abilities as a full-round action; expending an extra charge to activate the spell-like ability reduces the casting time to a swift action instead. Regardless, the wielder of Agrimmosh can activate only one of the weapon’s spell-like abilities per round.   • Heightened enlarge person (1 charge, DC 23) • Heightened mass enlarge person (2 charges, DC 23) Lastly, Agrimmosh can be used in conjunction with Minderhal’s Forge at the Cathedral of Minderhal to resize magic armor and weapons   Note: In our world it stacks with itself as the two are separate spells, So enlarge 1 person for 1 charge, and then enlarge 1 person per character level. Some May find that overpowered but in our world its amazing to see a little deep gnome go to town on some giants bumping himself with various magics to near the same size..


Created by

Gordon Blueaxe.


Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

