Ability Score Increase
Size Medium
Speed 30ft
The Orcs have been on the surface of Faerun since the times of the Imaskari, theorized to have been taken from another realm but thriving here. Much of the Orcs history was under the heel of a local God of Chaos Talos, also known as Grummsh to the Orc people. Much of the history of great disasters were of a singularly savage Orc leader amassing a horde and slaughtering and pillaging across Human, Elven or Dwarven Cities. AFter Grummsh was killed by Akkitos, and the Gods of Chaos brought low the orcish people started to change. Like a veil of bloodlust and idiocy was lifted for the first time since they came to Toril. The most obvious example were the Theskan Orcs, who amassed civilization even before the falling of Grummsh, but even the Ta'an Orc tribes started to trade and mediate with the Karaturian and Rashemi humans. Forest Orcs started founding enclaves and villages on trade routes. With all the tragedy of the Uthgardians and the Titansblood Wars, life had never been better for the Orc people. And the closing of the Gates of Heaven more a blessing than a curse, no more interference from Gods in their lives.
Ages: Maturity 12 to 50 years. Maximum age of 65 years.
Size: 6’ to 6’5" tall, 200 to 250 lb.
Names: (male) Agar, Arrakk, Augh, Besk, Bruegar, Durth, Devdas, Eagol, Edals, Fang, Ekk, Gar, Ghorn, Gnarsh(t), Gothog, Gremog, Grimslade, Gronz, Guzud, Hargul, Harl, Hogar, Hordar, Horrach, Huagh, Jhanzur, Jutor, Jzets, Kalip, Karash, Kesk, Kol, Korgul, Krell, Krusk, Lagazi, Lorzak, Lubash, Mimerk, Mord, Nizam, Nogu, Nyarl, Omotar, Ohtar, Orngart, Ordich, Orrusk, Oth, Raorr, Rendar, Rheen, Sark, Scrag, Sorgh, Taing, Tanglar, Tarak, Targ, Tawar, Thar, Tharag, Thog, Thoin, Toemor, Tomph, Toop, Trood, Tulmak, Tzens, Ubada, Udhgar, Ugarth, Ugurth, Ungar, Ungvar, Urzad, Vaath, Vanchu, Vtam, Whudu, Wogg, Wogar, Wrnach, Wung, Wykks, Xar, Xtec, Yark, Yazar, Yetto, Yurk; (female) Betharra, Bree, Creske, Edarreske, Duvaega, Franch, Fukel, Gaaki, Grai, Grigri, Gynk, Huru, Neske, Ootah, Orgaega, Parih, Puyet, Puyetto, Tupacu, Varra, Yeskarra; (surnames) Dummik, Horthor, Lammar, Sormuzhik, Turnskull, Ulkrunnar, Zorgar.
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Languages: Skaldi
Savage Attacks: When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Forest Orcs populate a large swath of forests, from the High Forest, Silver Marshes, Dalelands, and the Cormanthor woods. They tend to avoid areas of Fey Crossings and Fey touched because of just how much they are loathed by Fey creatures. They've started forming communities in the Dalelands and the empty Sembian planes, as well as villages near the Moon Sea to trade with Elven Settlements, Cormyr and Westgate. Of all the Orcs, they had the worst of disasters of the Spellplague, with much of their lands tainted by Chaos Magic seeming into their peoples over the years.
Most of these orcs have small communities littered around the Dalelands and High Forest, trying to avoid confrontation with the nearby Elves and trade with the Theskan homeland.
Bestial Nose: You can track creatures by their scent, survival checks to locate or identify are made with advantage.
Primal Intuition: You have proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival.
The Orog were a tougher, rougher sort of Orc. The Orcs that made home in winds so harsh they could freeze piss before it hit the ground, of depths filled with horrors and monsters the surface world will never know. The 'Savage Orcs from the North' were made up of mostly Orogs, a zealous belief in Grummsh, now turned to reparations and consolidation of their keeps. Quite a few have joined the Overland Villages of humans around dwarven settlements, pledging Axe or Fist to defending against their old Giant allies.
Menacing: You are proficient in the Intimidation skill.
Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
The Plains of the Shaar are plagued by Gnolls, Purple Worms and constant threat of Hobgoblin Legionnaires. But the Shaaran Orcs hold the line. They have held the line and stayed a constant buffer between the Chondalwoods and the Plains of Purple Fust for most of the last generation. They are a fearsome folk, to risk angering Genies and delving into the Black Jungle of Chult, but they are supersitious and fearful of the arcane. It keeps them from Halruaa and Myrmyr more than any moral reasons.
Desert Evolution: You have proficiency in Perception and Survival, and you have expertise in it when in Savannas or Mountainous terrain.
The Theskand were always an intelligent people, but the Rise of Thay and Szass Tam lead to a new fair of their people. Captured, enslaved, experimented on, many Theskan Orcs were transformed into magical monstrosities in their bid for diminion and power on the Sea of Fallen Stars. With the Fall of Thay and Uthgard, their burden has increased even more so. A task the Rashemi are unsuited for and unwilling to do, the Theskans patrol the Mournlands and Tomblands to keep the monsters and sentient spells within, and lend aid to the Orcs, Elves and Humans still reeling from the events.
Proficiencies: Urgrosh
Cantrip: You know one cantrip of your choice from the
Wizard Spell List. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.