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"Depuratus Sal is a Confident Wright who Works Miracles."

  • movement/I
  • Armour/S
  • Crafting Numenera/S
  • Understanding Numenera/T
  • Biomechanics /T
  • Healing/T
  • All/T
Dart thrower, Light, Long range
Slug thrower Plan
Cypher Bag Plan
Bread Tree Plan
Vermin Ward Plan
Exploding Arrow Plan
Birthung Vat
Farspeaking Pylon Advanced
2 unknown plan

Damage Tracking
Speed Cost
Damage =
weapon damage + bonus from roll - armour
5 Coins
Dart Thrower
darts 12
Parts 6
Io 4
Responsive Synth 4
Cup that instantly boils any liquid poured into it
Explorer's Pack
Crafting Book
Crafting Tools
A clock face that marks the passage of time with unreadable and unsolvable equations
Tiny box that produces a small synth figurine in the image of someone within immediate range at random times
cypher bag lvl 4
cypher bag lvl 4
cypher bag lvl 4
6 Reset Buttons
Cyphers (max: 1)
Sensory Disruptor 6
 Wearable: Wristband projector (close range) Usable: Handheld projector (close range) Effect: Shoots out a single projectile that contains a bundle of nanowires. Upon contact with a living creature, the nanowires unfold and inject themselves into the skin, causing an instant sensory response within the target. Roll d100 for the effect: 01–10 Synesthesia: The target senses sound as light and color as taste, causing disorientation. The target loses his next two actions. 11–30 Perceptual deprivation: The target’s visual senses are overwhelmed, causing temporary blindness. The difficulty of all tasks attempted by the target is increased by one step. The effect lasts for ten minutes. 31–40 Ultrasensation: The target’s senses overload, causing a heightened response to stimuli. On his next round, he attempts to flee. 41–50 Fear override: The target’s senses are dulled, causing him to ignore pain and fear. He rushes in, increasing the difficulty of all actions by one step. The effect lasts for ten minutes. 51–75 Off balance: The target’s sense of balance is disrupted, causing him to fall prone for one round. 76–00 Hallucinations: The target experiences an auditory or visual hallucination, causing him to lash out at nothing and miss all attacks during his next action.
Adamant Foam 4
 Usable: Small spray canister Effect: The foam in this canister is extraordinarily light—almost weightless, lighter than a soap bubble—and virtually invisible. It’s possible, in fact, to have this foam in your hand and not even realize it. And yet the foam, which dries on contact with the air, is superstrong. While pliable, it’s as unbreakable as steel mesh. The canister has enough foam to coat an area 6 feet by 6 feet (2 m by 2 m) with a thin layer. Although this foam has many uses, if sprayed on a living target, that target has +2 to Armor. Adamant foam disintegrates after 28 hours.
Mass Teleporter 8
 Wearable: Belt, wristband, ring Usable: Complex device, handheld device Effect: The user teleports herself and a number of other creatures equal to the cypher level. They can travel up to 100 × the cypher level in miles to a location she has previously visited. The group arrives safely with anything that they can carry, either individually or as a group.
Antipathy Field Emitter 4
 Wearable: Mask, amulet worn around the neck, temporary tattoo Usable: Small handheld device, node that can be attached to a weapon or armor Effect: When activated, the device emits an invisible energy field for one hour. The field extends out to immediate range. Any living creature in the field other than the user experiences nausea and physical discomfort. The difficulty of all tasks performed by an affected creature is modified by one step to its detriment.
Growth Serum 6
 Internal: Liquid that is injected or swallowed Effect: The user permanently grows a foot taller. This process is painful and takes 28 hours, during which time the affected character is impaired.
Shrink Ray 4
 Usable: Ray projector (short range) Effect: Shrinks one human-sized or smaller creature or object within range to one- twentieth of its normal size. It remains at this size for 1d20 hours. For an affected creature, the difficulty of all Might-related tasks is increased by two steps.
Mass Teleporter 5
 earable: Belt, wristband, ring Usable: Complex device, handheld device Effect: The user teleports herself and a number of other creatures equal to the cypher level. They can travel up to 100 × the cypher level in miles to a location she has previously visited. The group arrives safely with anything that they can carry, either individually or as a group.
Projectile Module (Poison) 4
 Usable: Small metal and synth plate Effect: This cypher must be attached to another cypher or artifact (a level 4 task) that fires solid projectiles, like a slugspitter or a compactor. Once attached, it no longer counts against a character’s cypher limit. The projectile(s) of the cypher or artifact it is attached to now also carry a poison that inflicts 4 points of Speed damage that ignores Armor. The module cannot be removed from the device without destroying both the module and the device.
freeze Inducer 2
 freeze inducer
 Internal: Pill, ingestible liquid Wearable: Temporary tattoo, amulet, headband, crystal worn on temple Usable: Small handheld device, crystal Effect: Tapping into the datasphere’s knowledge, the user can learn the answer to one question
Parous Cypher Ball 5
 Usable: Synth ball about 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter, with a large, sealable slit in the side Effect: The parous ball can hold one cypher (as long as it is no larger than a typical handheld device). Once the cypher is sealed in the ball, it must remain there for 28 hours. At that point, the cypher is released. Thereafter, for a number of hours equal to the cypher level, the ball releases exact duplicates of the cypher, one per hour. While the original cypher is in the ball, it doesn’t count against the character’s cypher limit. The duplicates do not count against the character’s limit until all duplicates are expelled.
Reproductive Bud 4
 Usable: An expandable organic sac Effect: This organic device allows a character to reproduce asexually. First the sac is grafted onto a character for 28 hours. Then it is removed and placed in a warm, moist environment. Half a year later, it bursts open and reveals a living, infant clone of the character.
Time Auger 5
 Usable: Handheld drill-like device Effect: Allows the user to “drill” through time the way that one might drill through wood. The user doesn’t move through time, nor is he able to affect the past or the future. Instead, he creates a timehole that allows him to see thirty seconds into the future for the next ten minutes. As soon as he moves his eye away from the timehole, it collapses.
Reset 10
 Wearable: Amulet, headband, helmet Usable: Small handheld device Effect: Utterly erases the last five minutes of time. Everything goes back to the way it was and no one except the user remembers what happened during the lost five minutes.
Special Abilities
Healing Touch Action1
With a touch, you restore 1d6 points to one stat Pool of any creature. This ability is a difficulty 2 Intellect task. Each time you attempt to heal the same creature, the task difficulty increases by one step. The difficulty returns to 2 after that creature rests for ten hours.
Deconstruct Action3
You take the time to closely study a bit of scrap, machine, cypher, artifact, or other numenera object or structure before attempting to salvage iotum from it. If the salvage source possesses iotum that can be salvaged (as determined by the GM), the salvage task gains an asset. In addition, you gain one additional iotum from the salvage attempt, which means one additional roll on the Iotum Result Table.
Community Builder Enabler0
While you are present within the community, and actively and personally working on behalf of that community, +3 is added to the community’s infrastructure.
Always Tinkering Action0
If you have any tools and materials at all, and you are carrying fewer cyphers than your limit, you can create a cypher if you have an hour of time to spend. The new cypher is random and always 2 levels lower than normal (minimum 1). It’s also temperamental and fragile. These are called temperamental cyphers. If you give it to anyone else to use, it falls apart immediately, useless. Action to initiate, one hour to complete.
Sense numenera Other0
You can sense the presence of a functioning numenera device or special ability within short range. You do not learn details or the precise location. Action.
Make Do With Available Iotum Other3
Given an hour or so, you can figure out a way to substitute one kind of iotum called for in a plan with another kind of iotum, as long as the iotum you use is at least 1 level higher than the iotum originally called for. Alternatively, you can make do with 1 unit less than the number of units called for by the plan (to a minimum of 1 unit). For each additional level of Effort you apply, you can reduce the number by an additional unit, to a minimum of 1 unit. You can never substitute more than one kind of iotum per individual crafting task, though you could simultaneously substitute an iotum and decrease the number of units required by applying additional Effort. Action to initiate, one hour to complete.
Boost Cypher Enabler2
The cypher you activate with your next action functions as if it were 2 levels higher. Action.
Alleviate Action3
You attempt to cancel or cure one malady (such as disease or poison) in one creature. Action.
Font of Healing Enabler0
With your approval, other creatures can touch you and regain 1d6 points to either their Might Pool or their Speed Pool. This healing costs them 2 Intellect points. A single creature can benefit from this ability only once each day. Enabler.
Modify Cyphers Action0
You can take any two cyphers and quickly jury-rig a new cypher of the same level as the lowest-level cypher. You determine the function of the new cypher, but it must be that of a cypher you have used before (but not necessarily one for which you have plans). The new cypher is a temperamental cypher, like those created with your Always Tinkering ability. The original two cyphers are consumed in this process. This ability does not function if one or more of the original cyphers are temperamental. Action.
Boost Artifact Action2
An artifact you activate with your next action functions as if it were two levels higher. Action.
  • Increase Capabilities
  • Moving Towards Perfection
  • Extra Effort
  • Skill Training
  • Other Advancement
Recovery: 1d6 + 4
Rest Duration Already Taken
First rest 1 Action
Second rest 1 Minute
Third rest 1 Hour
Fourth rest 10 Hours
contact 3
contact Alon Fencer
contact Genesis

Use all your options to reduce the difficulty, if it is still above zero, roll against its target number.
TN - 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
result 0 = failure, 1 = success

Created by




Statblock Type

Numenera Character Sheet
