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Oath of Preservation (Homebrew)

Hit Points

Hit Dice: d4 per Oath of Preservation (Homebrew) level
Hit Points at first Level:
Hit Points at Higher Levels:


Saving Throws:

Overview & Creation

The oath of preservation is born with the coming of civilizations and museum, with the concern of taking care our memories. It is based on the protection of old buildings and monuments, as well as the recovery of ancient artifacts and sacred relics. Paladins of this oath fight to preserve the memory of the world, side by side with historians and men of great knowledge, all devotees to the same cause. Their armor resembles those of ancient warriors and kingdoms of the past. Tenets of Preservation Tenets of this oath guides the paladin towards the beauty and importance of history, and why is worth to sacrifice to preserve it. Memory. Be the memory, assimilate lost knowledge and be a beacon of illumination for the world, cause remember is what matters. Recovery. Your mission is to recover and protect ancient historical artifacts worth to share with the world. Protection. In battle, don't let the heat of the moment push you to destroy everything. Defend monuments and buildings from the destruction of war.

Oath of Preservation

Level Spells
3rd sanctuary, tenser's floating disk
5th shatter, locate object
9th counterspell, remove curse
13th secret chest, sickening radiance
17th wall of force, legend lore
  Channel Divinity When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.   Warden of the Memory. As an action, Allies within 30 feet of the paladin are freed from any effects that assault their mind, such as charm, modify memory, confusion or frightened.    Ancient Sense A paladin senses the presence of cursed, magic items or historical artifacts at least 100 years old. As an action, you can project your perception around yourself to sense the presence of these forces. Until the end of your next turn, the paladin knows the location of each cursed, magical or historical object within 60 feet of him.  

Aura of Preservation

  At 7th level once per long rest the paladin can choose an object to protect that he's wearing or carrying, it gains temporary hit points equal to his paladin level + his Charisma modifier and resistance to all damage for each 8 hours. Also, allies within 10 feet from you are protected by a divine force. A creature attempting to cut a limb, disarm or rob an ally inside the aura must make on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the action fails.  

Indomitable Safeguard

  Starting at 15th level when an enemy cast a spell that affects and damage an area or your allies, as reaction the paladin create a dome translucent shield of ancient arcane energy of 30-feet-range. Allied creatures inside the dome add the paladin Charisma modifier to the saving throw against the spell, they take no damage on a successful save or half as much of that damage on a failed one. Objects inside the dome don't suffer any damage.  

Unwavering Sentinel

  At 20th level the paladin can assume the form of an ancient armor, it can appears made of bronze like those used in the past. As an action, you can magically become an avatar of preservation, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute:
  • When you use this feature, the paladin, objects and allies of your choice within 30 feet of you gain a protective aura that gives the benefits of the sanctuary spell.
  • You add your Intelligence modifier to your AC (minimum 1).
  • You can't suffer critical hits.


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