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"Reet Character Sheet is a Mechanical Jack who Fuses Flesh and Steel."

  • Stealth/T
  • Repairing/T
  • Understanding Numenera/S
  • Healing/T
  • Salvaging Numenera/T
  • Charm/I
  • Persuasion/I
  • Deception/I
Buzzer- 2 Damage
Spear- 4 Damage
Dagger- 2 Damage
Skull Blaster- 8 Damage
Glasses- 4 Damage
-Small square cage that puts whatever single creature is inside it into stasis

-Scarlet Orb- Gets to the street between the streets.

-Ring that sharpens any blade that passes through it

-Rod that projects the two-dimensional image of an unknown creature on any flat surface

-Skull Blaster- Effect: This device emits a brilliant beam of focused psychic energy up to very long range. Targets hit by the beam take damage equal to the artifact’s level.
This device is a rapid-fire weapon, and thus
can be used with the Spray or Arc Spray abilities that some characters have, but each “round of ammo” used or each additional target selected requires an additional depletion roll.
Activated by a mechanical whining noise at a low hum.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20

-Red synth shard (in shoulder)- provides asset on all tasks related to navigation or understanding spatial
relationships (assuming they don’t remove the shard).

-Small coin pouch that holds twice as much as it appears it should

-Glasses that fire Lasers- Fires random type of energy. 4 Damage
01–50 Heat/concentrated light
51–60 Cell-disrupting radiation
61–80 Force
81–87 Magnetic wave
88–93 Molecular bond disruption
94–00 Concentrated cold
Damage Tracking
Speed Cost
Damage =
weapon damage + bonus from roll - armour
192 Coins
Armoring Clothing
Explorer pack- ?
Glowglobe- 2
Light Tools- 3
Synth Pyramid
A small coin stamped with the symbol of House Amakon
Book about a section of the Beyond
Book of the geography of the Steadfast
Book of the History of Navaren
10 days of rations
Fishing Pole
Oraculum- 1 unit
Assorted parts- 2 units
Io- 5 units
Amber Crystal- 1 unit
Monopoles- 2 units
Journal of Journey
Fang- 1
Shell Tent
Sleep cocoon
11 Calyptor eyes
A wrench
Radio robot control- 2
Cyphers (max: 3)
Bottle of 12 pills (Rejuvenator) 6
 Pills that recover 6 Intellect
Clamp 7
 When activated, this device becomes a pressure-plate trap that clamps around anything that triggers it. The device is similar to a bear trap, except that when it is fully activated, it becomes invisible. Once triggered, it inflicts damage equal to the cypher level, plus 1 additional point of damage per minute until it is removed.
Special Abilities
Flex Skill Other0
At the beginning of each day, choose one task (other than attacks or defense) on which you will concentrate. For the rest of that day, you are trained in that task. You cannot use this ability with a skill you are already trained in to become specialized.
Sense “Magic” Other0
You can sense whether the numenera is active in situations where its presence is not obvious. You must study an object or location closely for a minute to get a feel for whether the touch of the ancients is at work.
Vanish Action2
You become invisible for a short amount of time. While invisible, you have an asset on stealth and Speed defense tasks. The invisibility ends at the end of your turn, or if you do something to reveal your presence or position- attacking, using an ability, moving a large object, and so on.
Encouraging Presence Action2
For one minute, all allies within short range gain an asset on defense rolls.
Hedge Magic Action1
You can perform small tricks. Examples: Temporarily change the color or basic appearance of a small object, cause small objects to float through the air, clean a small area, mend a broken object, prepare (but not create) food, and so on. You cannot use Hedge Magic to harm another creature or object. (DM ruling) Can use it with one hand.
Late Inspiration Enabler3
You retry a task you failed within the past one minute, using the same difficulty and modifiers, except this time you have an asset on the task. If this retry fails, you cannot use this ability to retry it again.
Interface Enabler0
By directly plugging into a device, you can identify and learn to operate it as though the task were 1 level lower.
Subterfuge Enabler0
When you move no more than a short distance, you can move without making a sound, regardless of the surface you move across.
  • Increase Capabilities
  • Moving Towards Perfection
  • Extra Effort
  • Skill Training
  • Other Advancement
Recovery: 1d6 + 3 + 3
Rest Duration Already Taken
First rest 1 Action
Second rest 1 Minute
Third rest 1 Hour
Fourth rest 10 Hours

Use all your options to reduce the difficulty, if it is still above zero, roll against its target number.
TN - 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
result 0 = failure, 1 = success

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Statblock Type

Numenera Character Sheet
