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Trumpet Archon - Creature 14

Trumpet archons are messengers, emissaries, and storytellers—embodiments of the virtue of kindness. They use stories and allegories to prevent bloodshed, and among all archons they are the most likely to work together with angels, perhaps leading to the similarities in their forms. When diplomacy is impossible, trumpet archons rally the righteous to battle—one reassuring glance from a trumpet archon is often all it takes to instill a shaken ally with resounding courage once again.
Perception +26; darkvision
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; tongues
Skills Acrobatics +25, Diplomacy +29, Intimidation +28, Nature +23, Religion +23, Performance +31, Stealth +25

STR +7 , DEX +5 , CON +5 , INT +3 , WIS +6 , CHA +8

Items Archon Trumpet
AC 36
Saving Throws Fort +24, Ref +24, Will +27 , +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP285 - Weaknesses evil 15 - Resistances sonic 15
Speed 35 ft, fly 60 ft
Melee bastard sword +29 (good, magical, versatile P), Damage 2d12+13 slashing plus 2d6 sonic and 1d6 good
Special Abilities Retributive Strike
Spells Divine Innate Spells DC 34
7th heal (×2), sound burst
6th heroism, zealous conviction
5th banishment, breath of life
4th dimension door (at will)
3rd circle of protection (against evil only; ×2)
Cantrips (6th) message; Constant (5th) tongues   Archon’s Door As hound archon.   Kind Word (one action, auditory, divine, emotion, enchantment, linguistic, mental) The trumpet archon offers an ally praise or encouragement. The archon attempts to counteract one emotion effect on the ally (with a counteract modifier of +24), and the archon and the ally both gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for 1 round.   Trumpet Blast (one action, auditory, divine, emotion, enchantment, mental) The trumpet archon blows mightily on their horn, creating a tone of such beauty and grandeur those who hear it are paralyzed in awe. Non-archons within 100 feet must attempt a DC 34 Fortitude save. They are temporarily immune for 10 minutes. Critical Success: The creature is unaffected. Success: The creature is flat-footed. Failure: The creature is stunned 1 and flat-footed as long as it’s stunned. Critical Failure: The creature is paralyzed for 1 round.
STAR ARCHON   Embodiments of the virtue of prudence, star archons serve as philosophers and administrators, and in times of war as the tacticians, strategists, and generals of archon armies. Star archons burn with the glory and intensity of a sun, and their sense of duty and desire to defeat evil are as indefatigable as the light of the stars. While their dazzling intellects and unmatched strategic cunning make them most useful in war rooms rather than on battlefields, star archons are fierce opponents when motivated to enter the fray. Those who witness the self-sacrifice of a star archon and live to tell the tale describe the experience in terms that might befit the sight of a supernova at the instant the star collapses in on itself.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
