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Sea Dragon - Creature 15

Sea Dragons are large serpent like creatures who are highly aggressive and highly territorial. They are often depicted in legend as either mindless beasts or wise old beings who would guide heroes on their journeys. The Truth is, these beasts, while highly aggressive, will only attack intruders on their territories, and are known to venture out of their territories to interact with other creatures. In very rare cases, a Sea Dragon may have human sentience, these dragons often consider inhabited islands their territory, and will defend it and its inhabitants with its life.
Perception +10
Languages None (Dragon, Common)

STR +30: +10 , DEX +12: +1 , CON +30: +10 , INT +4 (14) -3 (+2) , WIS +4(10)-3(+0) , CHA +10 +0

AC 17
Saving Throws Fort 19, Ref 10, Will 6 (9)
HP330 - Immunities Magical Sleep and Paralysis, Cold Damage - Weaknesses Electrical Damage - Resistances None
Speed Swim 60 ft
Melee Bite: 2d8 +25
Ranged Ocean Essence Breath: 60 ft cone, 10d10 cold damage. As this breath is a liquid and not a gas, it can be bottled and used in technological weapons.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
