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Type Humanoid (Neko)
Ability Score Modifier Neko gain -2 Str, +2 Dex, and +2 Cha.
Size medium
Speed 40 feet
Language Neko begin play speaking Common and Neko. Neko with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, or Sylvan

Defense Racial Traits   Cat's Luck: Once per day, when a neko makes a Reflex saving throw, it can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. It must decide to use this ability before attempting the saving throw.   Feat and Skill Racial Traits   Skill Bonus: Neko have a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.   Movement Racial Traits   Fleet-Footed: Neko receive Run as a bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks.   Offense Racial Traits   Natural Weapons: Neko have two claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage. These are primary natural attacks.   Senses Racial Traits   Low-Light Vision: Neko can see twice as far as a race with normal vision in conditions of dim light.  

Alternate Racial Traits

Replaces Cat’s Luck, Fleet-Footed, Skill Bonus   Clever Cat: Clever Cat Neko generally friendly disposition doesn’t preclude craftiness. Some of them see social obstacles as games to be played and won. Neko receive a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks. This racial trait replaces Cat’s Luck, Fleet-Footed, Skill Bonus.   Replaces Natural Weapons   Always on their Feet: Neko’s always land on their feet even when they take lethal damage from a fall. Furthermore, they gain a +1 bonus to their CMD against trip attempts. This trait replaces Natural Weapons. All Neko Types may take this replacement.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Pathfinder Race
