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Padiskar Chaotic Good Small City Starting City
Corruption: 0
Crime: 3
Economy: 5
Law: 2
Lore: 5
Society: 1
Qualities: Magically Attuned: The settlement is a haven for spellcasters due to its location; for example, it may lie at the convergence of multiple ley lines or near a well-known magical site.
Prosperous: The settlement is a popular hub for trade. Merchants are wealthy and the citizens live well.
Tourist Attraction: The settlement possesses some sort of landmark or event that draws visitors from far and wide.
Strategic Location: The settlement sits at an important crossroads or alongside a deepwater port, or it serves as a barrier to a pass or bridge.
Academic: The settlement possesses a school, training facility, or university of great renown.
Danger: 10
Government: Magical
Population: 12,754 (7,124 humans, 2,678 half elves, 1,402 drow, 1,147 tieflings, 403 vishkanya)
Base Value: 14400gp (magic items: 3600gp)
Purchase Limit: 85000gp
Spellcasting: 9th
Minor Items
Wand of resistance375gp
Potion of Barkskin300gp
Potion of cure light wounds50gp
Hunter's Cloak7,500 gp
Trapspringer's gloves4,000 gp
Goggles of minute seeing2,500gp
Belt of tumbling800gp
Corset of the vishkanya3,000gp
Ring of Swimming2,500gp
Medium Items
Staff of charming17,600gp
Headband of unshakeable resolve5,600gp
Wand of tiny hut13,500gp
Ring of Animal Friendship10,800 gp
Ioun Stone (iridescent spindle)18000 gp
Staff of Tricks8,800 gp
Cloak of Arachnida14000 gp
Glove of Storing10000 gp
Major Items
Ring of Freedom of Movement40000 gp
Staff of the Master30000 gp
Wand of Protection from Energy11250 gp
Liberator's Rod30000 gp
Stormlord's Helm35000 gp

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

