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Alchemical Crafting - Class Feat 1

Requirements Trained in Crafting
Description You can use the Craft activity to create alchemical items. When you select this feat, you immediately add the formulas for four common 1st-level alchemical items to your formula book.
Applications Bestial Mutagen, Lesser Your features transform into something bestial and you take on muscle mass, but your lumbering form is clumsy. Benefit: You gain a +1 item bonus, your claw deals 1d4 slashing damage, your jaws deal 1d6 piercing damage, and the duration is 1 minute. Drawback: You take a –1 penalty to AC and a –2 penalty to Reflex saves.   Cheetah's Elixir, Lesser Enzymatic compounds in this elixir strengthen and excite the muscles in your legs. Benefit: Speed bonus of +5 feet, and the duration is 1 minute.   Eagle-Eye Elixir, Lesser After you drink this elixir, you notice subtle visual details. For the next hour, you gain a +1 to perception, or +2 to find secret doors and traps.   Smokestick, Lesser: With a sharp twist of this item, you instantly create a 5' screen of thick, opaque smoke in a burst centered on one corner of your space. All creatures within that area are concealed, and all other creatures are concealed to them. The smoke lasts for 1 minute or until dispersed by a strong wind.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Action / Feat
