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Dancer - Performer 1

Dance can be used to tell stories, share emotions, provide entertainment, and display a performer's athletic ability. The dancer is a 5th-level challenge for dance contests.
Perception Expert
Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics Expert , Athletics Master , Diplomacy Trained , Performance Legendary , Stealth Trained , Theater Lore Expert

STR +1 , DEX +3 , CON +1 , CHA +4

Items dagger (3), jewelry and clothes
AC 16
Saving Throws Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +3
Speed 25 ft
Melee Dagger Expert +4 +0 agile, finesse, versatile S Piercing Foot Expert +4 +0 agile, finesse, nonleathal Bludgeoning
Special Abilities Fascinating Dance Single Action (attack)
  • Frequency once per round
  • Effect The dancer Strides up to their Speed. Once during this movement, when the dancer is adjacent to a creature, the dancer can make that creature attempt a DC 17 Will save. On a failure, that creature is fascinated with the dancer until the end of its next turn.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
