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Innkeep - Publican 1

The sight of an inn is a welcome one to any weary traveler. Innkeepers can often be found cleaning the common room, overseeing the evening meal, or settling in new lodgers. Innkeepers keep an eye on their neighbors' doings and are often excellent sources of information.
Perception Expert
Languages Common
Skills Accounting Lore Trained , Cooking Lore Trained , Deception Trained , Diplomacy Expert , Society Expert

STR +2 , DEX +0 , CON +1 , INT +2 , WIS +2 , CHA +3

Items innkeeper's apron (functions as leather armor), broom (functions as staff), ledger
AC 14
Saving Throws Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +9
Speed 25 ft
Melee broom expert +2 / -2 ] , two-hand d8 Damage Bludgeoning Fist expert +3 / -1 ] ,agile, nonlethal Damage Bludgeoning
Special Abilities
  • Font of GossipThe inkeeper's business gives them insight into the neighborhood's happenings. When Gathering Information, a person can gain as much information chatting with the innkeeper for 30 minutes to an hour as they would gain from 2 hours spent canvassing the neighborhood. Each person can learn gossip from an innkeeper only once per day, and only if the innkeeper is friendly or helpful to that individual. Whatever information the innkeeper knows about a given topic doesn't change if someone else asks the innkeeper about that topic, unless the innkeeper has since learned more.
  • Home Turf An innkeeper gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and AC within their inn.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
