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Fadih Hue
character Name
Solarian 9
Level And Class
Solar Disciple
Lawful Good

Ability Score Ability Mod Temp Adjust Current Mod
Strength 14 +2 +0 2
Dexterity 14 +2 +0 2
Constitution 12 +1 +0 1
Intelligence 12 +1 +0 1
Wisdom 13 +1 +0 1
Charisma 16 +3 +0 3
Total Ranks Class Mod Ability Mod Misc Mod
Acrobatics* (dex)
9 1 4 2 2
Athletics* (str)
9 1 4 2 2
Bluff (cha)
3 0 0 3 0
Computers (int)
1 0 0 1 0
Culture (int)
9 2 4 1 2
Diplomacy (cha)
16 9 4 3 0
Disguise (cha)
3 0 0 3 0
Engineering (int)
1 0 0 1 0
Intimidate (cha)
8 1 4 3 0
Life science (int)
6 1 4 1 0
Medicine (int)
1 0 0 1 0
Mysticism (wis)
16 9 6 1 0
Perception (wis)
6 1 4 1 0
Physical science (int)
15 8 6 1 0
Piloting (dex)
2 0 0 2 0
Profession : solarian
15 9 4 2 0
Sense motive (wis)
7 2 4 1 0
Sleight of hand (dex)
2 0 0 2 0
Stealth (dex)
7 1 4 2 0
Survival (wis)
1 0 0 1 0
Total Dex Mod Init Mod
3 2 1
Stamina Health Resolve
Total 64 60 7
Current 64 60 7
Total Base Armor Mod Dex Mod Misc Mod
EAC Energy Armor Class 31 10 19 2 0
KAC Kinetic Armor Class 32 10 20 2 0
Total Base KAC
CMAC Combat Manoeuvre AC 40 8 32
Damage Reduction
Total Base Ability Mod Misc Mod
7 6 1 0
5 3 2 0
7 6 1 0
Base Attack Bonus
Total BAB STR Mod Misc Mod
Melee Attack
11 9 2 0
Total BAB DEX Mod Misc Mod
Ranged Attack
11 9 2 0
Total BAB STR Mod Misc Mod
Thrown Attack
11 9 2 0
Corona Laser Pistol, Frost Subduer, Novice's Staff of Eddas, Estex Suit III- Adaptive Defense Filtered Rebreather Longstrider and Sustenance System Mk III
Advance Warning, All Hands on Deck, Apt Mentor, Desert Strider, Four-Armed, Historian, Kasathan Grace, Mental Gravity, Plasma Sheath, Skill Adept, Solar Armor, Solar Knowledge, Sidereal Influence- Diplomacy Sense Motive
Spells & Spellbook
Zenith- Black Hole, Gravity Hold, Plasma Sheath, Solar Incursion, Supernova, Defy Gravity, Vital Reinforcement, Wormholes


The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

Laser Pistol - ITEM 1

Usage Held in 1 hand; Bulk L; Activate Strike;

Laser weapons emit highly focused beams of light that deal fire damage. These beams can pass through glass and other transparent physical barriers, dealing damage to such barriers as they pass through. Barriers of energy or magical force block lasers. Invisible creatures don’t take damage from lasers, as the beams pass through them harmlessly. Fog, smoke, and other clouds provide both cover and concealment from laser attacks. Lasers can penetrate darkness, but they don’t provide any illumination.   Laser weapons use various means to concentrate beams of light into deadly intensity. Some focus light through a faceted crystal, while others focus the beam through a chemical cloud or ionized gas.

Type Azimuth; Level 1; Price 350 SN;
  • Hands 1
  • Proficiency Small Arms
  • Damage 1d4 F
  • Range 80ft
  • Critical Persistant 1d4 Fire Damage
  • Capacity 20 Charges
  • Usage 1
  • Special -


Type Corona; Level 6; Price 4270 SN;
  • Hands 1
  • Proficiency Small Arms
  • Damage 2d4 F
  • Range 90ft
  • Critical Burn 1d4 Fire
  • Capacity 20 Charges
  • Usage 1
  • Special -


Type Aphelion; Level 9; Price 14820;
  • Hands 1
  • Proficiency Small Arms
  • Damage 3d4 F
  • Range 90ft
  • Critical Burn 1d4 Fire
  • Capacity 40 Charges
  • Usage 2
  • SpecialBoost- 1d4


Estex Suit - ITEM 1

Usage Worn (Torso Bulk 1;

Estex is a thick, durable fabric most often used to make flight suits and environmental suits. Estex suits cover the wearer from the neck down and can be modified with armor upgrades as needed. Higher-quality estex suits grant a better level of protection and allow for more upgrades, though they are often bulkier than comparable suits of light armor.  

Type Estex Suit I; Level 1; Price 410 SN;
  • EAC Bonus +0
  • KAC Bonus +1
  • Max Dex +5
  • Check Penalty -1
  • Speed Penalty -
  • Upgrade Slots 2

Type MK II; Level 5; Price 2700;
  • EAC Bonus +4
  • KAC Bonus +5
  • Max Dex +5
  • Check Penalty -1
  • Speed Penalty -
  • Upgrade Slots 3

Type MK III; Level 7; Price 5500;
  • EAC Bonus +7
  • KAC Bonus +8
  • Max Dex +5
  • Check Penalty -1
  • Speed Penalty -
  • Upgrade Slots 4

Sustenance System - ITEM 1

Usage Downtime; Bulk 1; Activate Interact;

A sustenance system provides a way for you to consume sustenance without removing your armor or shutting down environmental protections.

Type Basic; Level 1; Price 150 SN;
The basic version of this system holds 1 Bulk of actual food and drink, whether field rations, R2Es, or other cuisine.

Type Mk I; Level 2; Price 800;
Higher model numbers function as miniaturized culinary synthesizers of the same model number, allowing the armor to produce food and drink from UPBs on verbal or text command. These nonbasic systems can also store up to 1 Bulk of UPBs.

You can create only poor-quality meals.

Type Mk II; Level 4; Price 2200;
You can create up to common-quality meals, minor intoxicants, and any other food or drink with a price of 3 credits or less.

Type MK III; Level 6; Price 4500 SN;

Staff - ITEM 1

Usage Held in 2 hands; Bulk 1; Activate Strike;

Staves are long and flexible, weighted on the end to provide extra striking power. Most staves are made from aluminum or fiberglass, though some are still made from wood.   Sentinel and repeller staves are made of conductive metal and deliver a painful, low-voltage charge that can stun opponents. The hardlight staff uses a core of unstable photonic gel to dramatically increase its mass every time it strikes a surface.   Analog- This weapon does not use any advanced electronics, computer systems, or electrical power sources. It is immune to abilities that target technology. While this use of the word “analog” is not technically correct when referring to technology, use of the term in this way has become common throughout the Senty Sector.   Block- Only melee weapons can have the block special property, which represents some kind of guard or crossbar that can protect you from attacks by a foe you strike in melee. When you successfully strike a target with a melee attack using such a weapon, you gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your AC for 1 round against melee attacks from that target.

Type Battlestaff; Level 1; Price 80 SN;
  • Hands 2
  • Proficiency Basic Melee
  • Damage 1d4 B
  • Critical knockdown


Type Carbon Staff; Level 7; Price 6150;
  • Hands 2
  • Proficiency Basic Melee
  • Damage 1d8 B
  • Critical knockdown


Subduer - ITEM 2

Usage Held in 1 hand; Bulk L; Activate Strike;

A subduer resembles a hollow rod with internal coolant reserves, and it relies on the user’s forceful movements to spray the coolant forward. Employed primarily by kasathan security forces to prevent suspects from fleeing, subduers coat their targets in a thin layer of expelled coolants that cause temporary painful freezing of the target’s skin that deals little lasting damage. On a lucky shot, the frozen layer also interferes with the target’s ability to function. Frost and rime subduers are often employed by peacekeeping forces, while sleet and glacier subduers typically see use only by pirates or mercenary groups.

Cryo Weapons

Cryo weapons generate blasts of supercooled gas that can damage or incapacitate a target. The gas is kept within a charged cryochamber attached to the weapon. While primitive models simply sprayed these freezing chemicals like a flamethrower, modern models use a containment beam to deliver deadly frozen particles to targets at impressive ranges. Most cryo weapons automatically replenish their reservoirs of reactive chemicals by drawing and processing various gases from the atmosphere, needing only batteries to maintain their ammunition supply.   One of the most popular lines of cryo weapons are zero weapons, including zero cannons, pistols, and rifles. In common parlance, avalanche-class cryo weapons are the coldest and most dangerous, followed in descending order by blizzard-class, hailstorm-class, and frostbite-class cryo weapons.

Type Frost; Level 2; Price 790 SN;
  • Damage 1d4 C
  • Range 40ft
  • Critical Staggered
  • Capacity 20 Charges
  • Usage 1
  • Special Nonlethal


Type Rime; Level 9; Price 13200 SN;
  • Damage 1d12 C
  • Range 60ft
  • Critical Staggered
  • Capacity 20 Charges
  • Usage 1
  • Special Nonlethal


Longstrider System - ITEM 4

Usage passive; Bulk 0;

This actuator system mimics the action of leg muscles and tendons when you run, providing assistance and support at the ankles, knees, and hips.

Type Basic; Level 4; Price 2200 SN;
This grants you a +10-foot enhancement bonus to your land speed.

Filtered Rebreather - ITEM 6

Usage passive; Bulk 1;

This upgraded rebreather supplements your armor’s ability to provide fresh air and filters out common toxins and poisonous vapors.

Type Basic; Level 6; Price 4600 SN;
Armor with this upgrade can provide fresh air for a number of weeks equal to its level. You also gain acid resistance 5 and a +2 bonus to saving throws against poison and disease.

Adaptive Defense - ITEM 7

Usage passive; Bulk 0;

An adaptive defense module emulates the ever-shifting defense of the tekhoinos. When you take acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage from an attack, you gain resistance to that energy type equal to 5 × the upgrade’s mark number; this resistance does not apply to the triggering attack, and it lasts for 10 minutes or until you take energy damage of another of those types, triggering a new resistance.

Type Mk I; Level 7; Price 6500 SN;

The statblocks of your features

Theme Features

All Hands on Deck - Racial Feat 1

Requirements Four Arms
Description Many hands make light work
Applications When performing labor, perhaps requiring a Strength check or an Athletics check, such as digging a hole, moving cargo, or hauling in a rope, you can complete the task in half the usual time. Tasks requiring other checks aren’t included.
Desert Stride - Racial Feature

Applications Kasathas can move through nonmagical difficult terrain in deserts, hills, and mountains at their normal speed.
Four-Armed - Racial Feature

Description Kasathas have four arms, which allows them to wield and hold up to four hands’ worth of weapons and equipment.
Applications While their multiple arms increase the number of items they can have at the ready, it doesn’t increase the number of attacks they can make during combat.
Historian - Racial Feature

Applications Due to their in-depth historical training and the wide-ranging academic background knowledge they possess, kasathas receive a +2 racial bonus to Culture checks.
Kasathan Grace - Racial Feature

Applications Kasathas receive a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks.
Solar Disciple - Theme

Description The sun is the source of all life in the system, and though you may not worship it directly, you seek to honor this precious gift. From a distance, the sun is a serenely glowing light, but in actuality, it is a churning mass of plasma that reaches temperatures of millions of degrees. By meditating on this contradiction, you attempt to achieve inner peace and greater self-control. Whether you're a devotee of Taura or simply a resident of the Solar Colony, the sun looms large in your life, figuratively and literally.
Applications Perception is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Perception checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Wisdom at character creation.
Solar Knowledge - Theme Feature 1

Description You’ve read extensively about the physics of the sun and its associated planes and the best theories about how they interact to produce the solar environment. You’ve also made a study of every sun-based religion of the Pact Worlds, from the Church of the Dawnflower down to the most primitive sun cult.
Applications Reduce the DC of Physical Science checks to recall knowledge about scientific questions concerning the sun and light by 5. Reduce the DC of Mysticism checks to recall knowledge about sun-focused religions, the Elemental Plane of Fire, and the Positive Energy Plane by 5.
Mental Gravity - Theme Feature 6

Description Though nothing is truly constant in the universe, stars are one of the few celestial bodies whose positioning within their systems rarely changes. Like the sun’s ineffable mass, you will not be moved from your proper mental space.
Applications You gain a +1 bonus to Will saving throws against compulsion effects.
Advance Warning - Skill Feat 2

Requirements 15 in Charisma
Description You shout a warning to your allies, focusing their attention on the threats around them.
Applications As a move action, you can shout a warning to your allies, ending the flat-footed condition for any ally within 60 feet. You cannot use this feat when you’re flat-footed. Once you’ve used this ability, you cannot do so again until you’ve regained Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest. This is a sense-dependent ability.

Class Features

Skill Adept - Class Feature

Description As part of the process that led you to become a solarian, you gained additional insight and training.
Applications Choose two additional skills and add them to your list of class skills.
Solar Armor - Class Feat 1

Description You can form your solar mote into a suit of armor made out of stellar energy that outlines your body. This armor appears to be made out of glowing light or solid darkness, as determined by the appearance of your solar manifestation, but it can take whatever general shape you choose, whether glowing armored plates of solidified stellar energy, a form-fitting suit of crackling energy, or an aura of stellar plasma. Your solar armor’s general design has no impact on its function and doesn’t give the armor any special abilities. Once you’ve selected the general design, you can’t change it until you gain a new solarian level.
Applications Your solar armor grants you a +1 enhancement bonus to both your Kinetic Armor Class and your Energy Armor Class. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level. It is compatible with light armor, but it gives you no benefit if you’re wearing heavy armor or powered armor. At 5th level, you also gain energy resistance 5 while your solar armor is active. You can choose either cold resistance or fire resistance when you activate the armor and can switch energy types as a move action. This energy resistance increases by 5 at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter.   Forming or dismissing solar armor is a move action.
Solar Manifestation
At 1st level, you gain a physical manifestation of your stellar power. The base form of your solar manifestation, when not actively in use, is a mote of stellar energy slightly smaller than your fist that hovers near your head. Beyond the solar mote, your manifestation can take one of two additional forms: armor or a weapon. You must pick one solar manifestation (either armor or a weapon) upon taking your first level of solarian. You also choose whether your solar manifestation (in any form) either glows brightly with one color common to stars (including blue, red, white, or yellow) or is the perfect darkness of a black hole. A glowing solar manifestation, regardless of its form, sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius. You can shut off the light or darkness as a standard action in order to blend in or assist in stealth, but whenever you enter a stellar mode (see page 102), the glow or darkness returns immediately. Once made, these choices cannot be changed.   Only you can interact with your solar manifestation, whether in mote, armor, or weapon form. No other creature or effect can affect your solar manifestation in any way, including disarming or sundering it.
Plasma Sheath - Evocation 0

Traditions Components
primal somatic
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Single action - - 1 round or until you leave photon mode. -
As a move action, you can cause all of your melee attacks to deal fire damage instead of their normal damage type. (The attacks are still made against the target’s EAC or KAC as normal for the weapon.) This benefit lasts for 1 round or until you leave photon mode.   When you are attuned or fully attuned, your attacks with plasma sheath deal 1 fire damage equal.  
  • +1- Sheathed Attacks deals an additional 1 Fire Damage
Sidereal Influence - Class Feature 3

Requirements Stellar Mode
Description You can tap into stellar forces outside of battle, using the properties of gravitons or photons to affect your skill use.
Applications At 3rd level, choose one skill from the graviton list and one from the photon list. At 11th level and again at 19th level, choose two more skills. Each time you pick skills, choose one from the graviton list and one from the photon list.   To use your sidereal influence, you must spend 1 minute in meditation, then choose either graviton skills or photon skills. When attempting a skill check with one of your selected skills of the chosen type (either graviton or photon), you can roll 1d6 and add the result as an insight bonus to your check. This ability lasts until you enter combat, fall unconscious, sleep, or meditate again to choose a different skill type. You can reactivate this ability by meditating again for 1 minute.
Apt Mentor - Skill Feat 2

Requirements 5 in Life Sciences or Physical Sciences
Description Headteachers are prestigious scholars who have become revered experts in their fields after decades of dedication. Like these famous osharu scholars, you pride yourself in exuding not only confidence but warmth, which helps you mentor others in their fields.
Applications Three times per day, you can automatically succeed at an attempt to aid another on an Intelligence- or Wisdom-based check. Additionally, each time you succeed at a Diplomacy check to gather information, you can learn one additional piece of information.

Statblocks for all your assets

Statblocks for your spells.

Level 1 Spells

Black Hole - Conjuration 1

Traditions Components
primal somatic
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Single action 20 ft. Any Creature in range Instant Fortitude
When you’re fully graviton-attuned, as a standard action, you can pull any number of creatures within 20 feet of you closer. You choose which creatures are affected and which ones aren’t. Solid objects do not block this ability, but any creature that runs into a solid object ceases moving closer to you. Creatures moved by this ability do not provoke attacks of opportunity from this movement. After you use this revelation, you immediately become unattuned. Each target attempts a Fortitude save
  • Critical Sucess- The target is unaffected.
  • Sucess- The target is pulled towards the caster 5ft, and prevents its self from falling if pulled towards a fall hazard it is aware of.
  • Failure- The target is pulled towards the caster 10ft.
  • Critical Failure- The target is pulled towards the caster 15ft, if it strikes a stationary object in rout it takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
  • Hightened
    +2- The range and distance pulled increases by 5 ft
Supernova - Evocation 1

Traditions Components
primal somatic
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Double action 10 ft. All Creature in range Instant Fortitude
When you’re fully photon-attuned, as a standard action, you can deal 2d6 fire damage to all creatures within 10 feet of you. After you use this revelation, you immediately become unattuned. Each target attempts a Reflex save
  • Critical Sucess- The target is unaffected.
  • Sucess- The target takes half Damage.
  • Failure- The target is pulled towards the caster 10ft.
  • +1- Supernova deals an additional 2d6 Fire Damage
  • (5th) Supernova expands out to 15ft
  • (8th) Supernova expands out to 20ft

Level 2 Spells

Gravity Hold - Evocation 2

Traditions Components
primal somatic
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Single action 30 Ft 1 Creature Sustained Fortitude
This revelation allows you to move objects at a distance as per psychokinetic hand.   When you are attuned or fully attuned, you can use the psychokinetic hand ability of your gravity hold to immobilize, lift, or move a Medium or smaller creature. When you spend a standard action concentrating to maintain the gravity hold, the target can attempt a new save to end the effect.  
  • Sucess- Once a creature successfully saves against this ability, it becomes immune to further uses of this revelation for 24 hours..
  • Failure- The creature can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the effect. While under this effect, the target creature cannot move but can take any other normal actions. This ability follows all of the restrictions of the spell other than the weight limit, but you can’t lift a creature higher than 5 feet off the ground.
Hightened- +1 - 5 additional ft
Plasma Sheath - Evocation 0

Traditions Components
primal somatic
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Single action - - 1 round or until you leave photon mode. -
As a move action, you can cause all of your melee attacks to deal fire damage instead of their normal damage type. (The attacks are still made against the target’s EAC or KAC as normal for the weapon.) This benefit lasts for 1 round or until you leave photon mode.   When you are attuned or fully attuned, your attacks with plasma sheath deal 1 fire damage equal.  
  • +1- Sheathed Attacks deals an additional 1 Fire Damage

Level 3 Spells

Vital Reinforcement - Necromancy 3

Traditions Components
primal somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Reaction 30 Feet 1 creature Instant -
You have learned how to use photonic power to bolster your allies in the face of danger. As a reaction while you’re attuned or fully attuned, when an ally other than yourself within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can reduce the damage taken by 6 (minimum 0 damage). Once you use this revelation, you can’t use it again until the next time you regain Stamina Points after a 10-minute rest.  
  • +1- Reduce an additional 2 Damage
Defy Gravity - Evocation 3

Traditions Components
primal somatic
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Single action Personal Self Instant -
As a move action, you can fly up to your speed. You must end this movement on solid ground or you fall. At 12th level or higher, you don’t have to land if you immediately follow your flight with another move action to use defy gravity. On your last move action of the turn, you still have to land or fall.   When you are attuned or fully attuned, your fly speed from this revelation increases by 10 feet.

Level 4 Spells

Solar Incursion - Conjuration 4

Traditions Components
primal somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Double action Personal Solar Creatures Instant -
When you’re fully photon-attuned, you can invite creatures of fiery power to fight for you as a standard action. This functions as summon creature with a spell level equal to half your Solarian level. You select which four creatures you can summon each time you gain a solarian level, and they must all be fire creatures. The natural attacks of creatures you summon with this ability have the limning weapon fusion.
Wormholes - Conjuration 4

Traditions Components
primal somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Double action Personal Solar Creatures Instant -
When you’re fully graviton-attuned, you can create two linked wormholes as a standard action. One wormhole must be adjacent to you, and the other appears anywhere in line of sight within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per solarian level). Each wormhole is 5 feet across and appears at an intersection between two squares. You and any Large or smaller creatures you mentally designate (you can designate “all creatures,” “all lashuntas,” or similar categories) can travel between the wormholes. This is considered extradimensional travel. Entering a wormhole instantly transports a creature to a square adjacent to the other wormhole’s intersection, where the creature can continue its movement. The wormholes remain for 1 round for every 2 solarian levels you have. At 17th level, you can create three wormholes using this ability, and upon entering the wormhole, a creature can decide which of the other two wormholes to exit.

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