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First Tactical Formation

Increase the synergy and effectivness of a battle formation

Formations \ Martial Formation \
Save: will negates

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: personal
Duration: 10m/lvl
Area: up to 5 creatures not more than 5 feet apart
Effect: Each target in the formation has a +2 deflection bonus to AC
Targets: up to 5 each at 5 feet
Domain: Martial
Componenent: V, S: 2 - 5 people


This spell increases the effectiveness of a group’s formation in battle. When cast, all creatures under the effect of the spell must be adjacent to one another, forming an unbroken chain of squares (which may include creatures sharing the same square). This chain does not need to be a straight line. Each target in the chain receives a +2 deflection bonus to AC as long as the targets stay adjacent to at least one other creature affected by the spell; moving more than 5 feet from another target ends the spell with respect to that creature only.

Mythic Effects

The distance between members increase from 5f to 10f

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

