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Ruby Sphere - ITEM 6

Usage Worn; Bulk L; Activate Strike;

Aeon stones are magic gemstones that orbit your head (or the nearest equivalent of a head, for species that lack heads) and grant you a constant magic effect. They do not count toward your worn magic item limit, and there’s no limit to the number you can have orbiting you. They are most common in the Azlanti Star Empire, which also has unique ways of using such stones, but the most common types of aeon stones can be found in magic shops in many major settlements. Aeon stones are categorized by their shape and color, with all stones of the same shape and color having the same magic abilities.   Placing an aeon stone in orbit around your head is a standard action, and removing it is a move action. An aeon stone must be in orbit for you to benefit from its abilities. The stone orbits at a distance of 3 inches to 3 feet, as you prefer, but always outside any armor or helmet you wear. An orbiting aeon stone has an Armor Class equal to 12 + your character level, and it can be attacked directly or even grappled (a successful grapple check plucks the stone out of its orbit and into the attacker’s hand). Most aeon stones (including all those presented here) are capable of glowing with a bright light. As a standard action, you can activate or deactivate the illumination of an aeon stone, which glows brightly enough to increase the light level in your square by one step

Type Ruby Sphere; Level 6; Price 3850 SN;
While this aeon stone orbits you, it functions as a comm unit and a tier 3 computer with an artificial personality upgrade that you can access directly through your nervous system without needing a user interface. While the stone orbits you, you are aware of any attempt to connect to it and can grant access if you wish. This computer can be upgraded as normal, and the upgrades are all magical. The stone is magically powered, so the computer doesn’t need a power source.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

