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Project Open Door

Damage (S) Damage (M) Type Critical Range
1d8+1d6 1d10+1d6 Energy (Acid) 18-20/x2 40ft

Special: Ammo (Holds 30 rounds), Standard Attack (5 rounds), Spray Attack (15 Rounds, 30ft cone)
Cost: ??
Weight: 8lbs

This assault rifle glows dimly with a light blue aura and has two barrels stacked one atop the other. There is a small switch by the trigger that can be flipped as a swift action. The internal mechanisms within the top barrel when the switch is in its first position and it's in this position that it functions as a +1 Corrosive Assault Rifle.   The second position causes the lights within the top barrel to flicker off and the lights within the bottom barrel to flicker on (enough to function as a flashlight illuminating light as a bullseye lantern). If the gun is fired as a Standard Action while the switch is in this position, Project Open Door creates an invisible dimensional link on an unobstructed surface at least 5ft by 5ft it makes contact with within 720 feet. If hits a surface that isn't valid, the ability is wasted. As part of the same action used to create this dimensional door, another shot can be fired at another surface creating a dimensional link between the dimensional doors for 4 rounds. The ability otherwise works as the Mythic version of Dimension Door. Once this ability is used, the assault rifle begins to whirr quietly. Using it again before the next day may result in it becoming unstable. If the wielder is a mythic creature, it may spend a mythic point when using this ability to use it again without risking it becoming unstable.


Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

