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Elven Sureshot

Aura: Enchantment;  Caster Level: 18;  Body Slot: Arm;  Price:Weight: 2lbs 

A gauntlet made of gilded steel is embedded with iridescent gems of blue coloration on the top of its hand. Four seemly empty slots lay along the armguard with the promise of perhaps something more.   At the start of each day, a user may charge the gauntlet with 5 touch spells. When going to use spellstrike, a user may use a charge from the gauntlet as opposed from the user's spell list. Spells charged in the gauntlet may only be up to 3rd level. Spells charged into the gauntlet do not take away from daily allotment of spells.   Additionally, the user may use spellstrike with ranged weapons via usage of the gauntlet as opposed to melee only.


Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Wondrous Item
