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Gargoyle - Magical Beast 4

Gargoyles are bestial sentinels made of elemental stone. Their resemblance to decorative statues, allow them to hide in plain sight in cities during the day and descend upon unlucky intruders at night. Their most common form is that of a horned humanoid with bat-like wings, but individual gargoyles can show a great deal of variation, with some appearing more or less humanoid and others resembling no known creature. A gargoyle’s features are not fixed; city-dwelling Gargoyles who remain in the same locale long enough slowly morph, day by day, to match the style of the local architecture. These patient monsters can stay disguised for long stretches of time as they patiently defend their charge.
Perception Expert
Languages Common, Terran
Skills Acrobatics Expert , Athletics Trained , Stealth Master

STR +3 , DEX +2 , CON +3 , INT -2 , WIS +2 , CHA -2

Items The obsessive nature of gargoyles can result in a variety of treasure hoards and grim trophy collections, ranging from stockpiles of arcane tomes to alchemical potions and apparatuses to simple trinkets.
AC 21
Saving Throws Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +10
HP40 - Resistances physical 5 (except adamantine)
Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet
  • jaws Master +8 / +3 , Damage piercing
  • claw Master +8 / +5 (agile), Damage slashing
Special Abilities
  • Statue (concentrate) Until the next time it acts, the gargoyle appears to be a statue. It can add it's Class Modifier (+10) to an opposed stealth check to pass as a statue
  • Clawed Feet (Attack) Trigger The gargoyle is Flying, and a creature moves into an adjacent square below it. Effect The gargoyle makes a claw Strike against the triggering creature.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
