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Vindicator's Greatbow

Damage (S) Damage (M) Type Critical Range
2D6 Radiant/ 1d4 Bludgeoning 2D8 Radiant/1d6 Bludgeoning Ranged 18-20/x3 120 ft

Cost: 5,000 gp
Weight: 15 lbs

Created for the elite guard of the Collegiate Arcanum's Grand Council, the Vindicator's Greatbow is a miracle of science and ingenuity. In form it is something like a heavy crossbow, though it is far bulkier - and it needs to be, for it fires no mere bolt. The projectiles the greatbow hurls are more akin to maces, with a thick shaft and bulky tip. At their ends are flasks braced in bands of metal, the contents of these being the bow's true weapon. They are filled not with liquid, but with the captured essence of raw radiant magical energy.   Due to the unique design of this weapon, it can be fired and reloaded each turn. Unlike other crossbows, pulling back a bolt draws the bow ready for the next round to be slotted in quickly.   Minimum strength requirement to wield these weapons is 16.


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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

