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GenderUsually male
Height6 ft
Weightskinny yet fit but the exact weight is unknown

AP Spent AP Unspent
290 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
A being of infinite power
Origin Story
There were once six beings of near infinite power, all fighting for control.
Their names were Entalen, Asosios, Gara-zel, Death, Destruction and Thransansus.
Entalen was the master of time.
Asosios was of reality.
Gara-zel the only woman of the six was of creation.
Death was death.
Destruction was of destruction.
Thransansus was life.
Death was all knowing.
Asosios all seeing.
Asosios was also the creator of fate and destiny.
And they were in harmony.

When they went their separate ways they realized how dull everything was.
They then all worked together to create a world.
Six individual kingdoms.
Each of the kingdoms possessed a piece of all six of them.
Entalen gave time to let the worlds change and improve.
Gara-zel gave creation to give the worlds substance.
Death used his gift to ensure the worlds wouldn’t be overrun.
Destruction gifted ruin to wipe the slate clean so that creation could begin anew.
Thransansus gave life to appreciate the worlds they had made.
Asosios used reality to hold the worlds together.
Though they were incomparable,
Entalen’s was a world where the past and the future could affect the present,
Asosios’s was a simple world but full of beauty nonetheless,
Gara-zel’s world was a place of unimaginable beauty,
Death’s world was one of truth and beauty yet desolate nonetheless,
Destruction’s world was a dark and miserable domain,
Thransansus had a domain overrun with life and suffering,
And the worlds were forged.
But if one of the six were to die, the worlds would fall apart and four of the six would die.

The world of Entalen was called the timescape.
Gara-zel’s world was called the heavens.
Death's world was called the afterlife.
Destruction had created the world called hell.
Thransansus had created a place of eternal suffering. Purgatory.
Asosios had made a place consisting of balance and order, simplicity and beauty.
And they created celestials to rule in their absence.
Entalen made the timekeepers.
Death made the reapers.
Destruction made the demons.
Gara-zel made the angels.
Thransansus and Asosios made gods to rule their kingdoms.
And for a while they went their separate ways and there was peace.

One day Asosios got bored and created something
He made worlds inside of his world.
These were called solar systems.
Inside of that he made smaller worlds called planets.
One of those was the Earth.
And on the Earth he created men.
And he created women to create balance and pleasure.
He was content to rule over the earth.
After a while, his people no longer prayed to him but instead worshiped the things he had created.
So he created war.
One day he fought and destroyed a village and was about to kill everyone in it when he noticed a beautiful young woman.
Her name was Caldyssa.
They got married and were happy.
He took from himself a piece of his divinity and gave Caldyssa control over ice.
They had four children.
Akuten, Emerald, Equator and Aldekion were their names.
Akuten received power over the earth.
Emerald the only girl controlled both lightning and the sun.
Equator got water and the oceans.
Aldekion got control over the air and the winds.
Asosios became associated with the power of fire.
They became known as the Eternal Guardians.
Each of the Eternal Guardians had a weapon that reflected their nature.
Caldyssa had the ice sword. A weapon that brought terror to all those who knew of it. Anything it touched turned to ice.
Akuten got a spear that could bend the earth to his will and could allow him to create an army of stone creatures.
Emerald received a hammer to channel her lightning power.
Equator got a trident that could bend water to his will and created the waves that haunt the seas.
Aldekion got a staff that could control the wind.
Asosios had the Ax of Fury, a flaming battle ax that could cut through anything, shoot flames and make the wielder immortal. No matter how hard it was thrown it would always return to his hand.
He also had what is known as either the scepter or spear of reality which could shoot flaming death rays and warp reality.
And the Eternal Guardians were the protectors of the earth.
Though eventually they were forgotten.

Asosios became the mediator of the problems of the original six and became known as the wisest among them.
The original six were the primordials.
Though they all had hatred for at least one of the other six siblings, Gara-zel was beloved by all her brothers and Asosios was respected by all of his siblings.
Asosios and Thransansus knew of a strange art called magic. And they learned it.
Asosios was the wisest and the best fighter.

One day Asosios and Caldyssa got in a fight and they got divorced. Caldyssa let the celestials of other worlds here but they arrived different, changed. All except the gods from the world of life for they were created by Asosios.
The Eternal Guardians vowed to hunt these beasts to ensure the safety of the earth.
Asosios was still sad about Caldyssa when he met a goddess from the kingdom of Thransansus who in the world she was from controlled the power of love. Her name was Rayana.
They got married.
Rayana’s power blinded him and he lost focus of what was happening in the kingdoms entirely. Wars erupted in the other five kingdoms, for Asosios wasn’t there to prevent them from happening.
His siblings were outraged and confused by his absence. All five of them went to find Asosios.
When they found him they were disgusted by what had occurred and Thransansus banished Rayana.
They got divorced.

Later Asosios met Aterna who became his wife for the rest of eternity.
He eventually stopped abstaining from the conflicts of his siblings and easily conquered the other five and gained control over their powers. They were extremely surprised by this, but they eventually gave in to his will and Asosios was named the master of all.
  Rating Bonus Roll Applies to AP Cost
Strength Infinite Infinite Infinite DAMAGE/STR SKILLS 1
Dexterity Infinite Infinite Infinite MAR/RAR/DEX SKILLS 1
Agility Infinite Infinite Infinite DEF/AGL SKILLS 1
Endurance Infinite Infinite Infinite LP/END SKILLS 1
Spirit Infinite Infinite Infinite MORALE/SPR SKILLS 1
Knowledge Near-Infinite Infinite Near-Infinite CAR/KNW SKILLS 1
Melee Defense10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Range Defense10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Armor Valueinfinite
Life Pointsinfinite
ArmorAsosian Armor
ShieldShield of Demons
Fate Stones
Name MAR/RAR Attr Dmg Range Abilities Type AP Cost
Axe of Fury 10000000000000000000000000 STR Infinite 10000000000000000000000000000000 flames, cuts through anything, shoots flames, gives wielder god-like powers, alway returns to the hand that throws it MELEE 100
Spear of Reality 100000000000000000000000000000 STR Infinite Infinite Uses Asosios divine power MELEE 103
Name Description AP Cost
Creation 1
Dimension manipulation and creation/destruction 4
Reality Manipulation 1
Manipulation of primordial powers 8
Flirting 1
Fighting 8
Destruction 2
Name Att Value AP Cost
Climb AGL 100000000000000 1
Discipline SPR 500 10
Dodge AGL 100000000000000000 1
Jump AGL 1000000000000000000000000000 1
Native Language KNW 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0
Perception KNW 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1
Swim AGL 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1
Magic KNW 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 52
Magic Type Magic Form   CAR Power
ENERGY All   Infinite
Spell list AP Cost
Caster Level Level Tier AP Cost
Lord 9 5 10
Potions, wands, staffs, amulets, other
Not highly dangerous
© 2020 DGS Games - Brightsword Character Sheet v1.02, made by Tillerz for DGS Games - Updated: 2020-10-31



Statblock Type

Adventurer Data Sheet
