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TylosAginai Progress Report

-corporis foliis gloria sempiterna


935 words


2737 words


1028 words

TylosAginai Progress so far

4700 words 47% completed!

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Hey, my name is Tim, I'm just here trying to build the evolving world I've been dreaming of since I can remember anything at all. I love fantasy in all it's forms, and I've definitely been influenced and inspired by some classic Lord of the Rings and some more contemporary Night Angel Trilogy or Inheritance Series, and I hope that if *fingers crossed* I ever complete writing a novel or even a series or two, that I might inspire other people to write and ponder hard questions.

Interests & Hobbies

I love a random assortment of things, cross country, soccer, musical theatre, cooking, and whole lists of things that people probably aren't very interested in, like astrophysics.

Favorite Books

The Lightbringer Series, the Night Angel Trilogy, the Inheritance Series

Favorite Writers

Brent Weeks, Christopher Paolini

Latest Loved work

Seagravia Gelt