
In the world of Eonaris

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Phase 1: Warm-Up - Chapter 1

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Hope Among The Ruins

May 27, 2113 – Planet: Earth

The first rays of morning light struggled through the dirty, cracked windows of the Wei orphanage, a place that had once been a beacon of success and education. In its prime, it housed the descendants of Earth's most influential families, but those glorious days were long gone, lost in the dark shadow of a devastating war that had wrapped the world in an unforgiving embrace of darkness. The once magnificent halls of the orphanage were now nothing more than relics of a bygone era, their walls split with deep cracks, while large chunks of the once brilliant paint peeled away. The wooden shutters, which had once offered a splendid view of well-kept gardens, had become brittle and decayed, silent witnesses to the unstoppable march of time.


Kai Sterling sat on his narrow bed in one of the bleak rooms of the orphanage, letting his gaze drift around the room as if to absorb and imprint the desolate image in his memory. His roommate, a strange and quiet boy who always seemed lost in his own thoughts, had long since left the room, leaving Kai alone. But this solitude was more than welcome. It offered him the precious opportunity to dwell in his own thoughts—thoughts that carried him far from the grim reality that surrounded him.


The world Kai lived in was nothing like the one described in the old history books. The Earth had been shaken to its core by the great war that had raged many years ago. The once-thriving cities, bustling centers of human activity, now lay in ruins, and the Wei orphanage was only a shadow of its former self. The children who lived there now were not the heirs of wealthy families; they were the orphans of a shattered society, stranded in a world that had long forgotten them.


Kai had always been an outsider, a loner, for as long as he could remember. He knew nothing of his parents, and the truth about how he had ended up in this orphanage remained a mystery. The caretakers never spoke of it, and Kai had long since stopped asking questions. In his world, only two things mattered: survival and the burning dream that blazed within him, brighter and stronger than anything else.


It was that dream that pulled Kai out of bed every morning. A dream that set him apart from the other children, who lived their lives like marionettes in a bleak play. This dream was bigger than the crumbling orphanage, bigger than the grey, decaying city that surrounded it. It was the dream of becoming a Galaxy Racer—one of those fearless pilots who raced through the infinite expanse of space at breathtaking speeds, whose names were known in every corner of Earth. Yet, as much as this dream drove him, it often seemed out of reach, so distant that Kai sometimes felt it would remain nothing more than a childish fantasy.


Kai slowly rose from his bed, stretching to shake the sleep from his limbs. The old floorboards creaked in protest under his feet as he turned around in the narrow room, casting a fleeting glance at the door. His heart began to race as he thought about what he had planned for today. Today was a special day, and he knew he couldn't afford to waste any time.


Quietly, almost stealthily, Kai moved through the room. He pulled on his worn shoes and slipped into his jacket, pulling the hood low over his face to attract as little attention as possible. Carefully, he cracked the door open and listened. The orphanage was quiet, save for the distant murmur of voices and the occasional groan of the old building. It was as if the crumbling structure itself expressed its sorrow with every sound.


Kai slipped out of the door silently. Though he was sure enough time had passed and that all the children, teachers, and caretakers were in the classrooms by now, he couldn't be certain no one was looking for him. Caution was essential. He moved so quietly it seemed as if he was floating over the ground. His footsteps echoed faintly on the cold stone tiles as he navigated the decaying hallways of the orphanage.


As he crept past the classroom windows, he instinctively ducked. Through one open window, Kai heard the monotonous voice of his teacher, who scribbled mathematical formulas on the board like a mechanical automaton. Normally, Kai would have been sitting in that classroom right now, his tired eyes following the endless lecture. But today was different. Today, he had other plans.


Every spare moment Kai had—and sometimes even during class—was spent working on his hover scooter. It wasn’t just any scooter; it was a technical masterpiece he had pieced together on his own. Instead of rolling on wheels, it was meant to hover just above the ground—a concept he had found in the old, yellowed records and plans he had discovered in the hidden archives of the orphanage. These archives were full of dusty books and forgotten dreams that no one cared to read anymore.


Once, they had been toys for children, but in this world, they had no place. At least, that’s how it felt to Kai, as though fun had no room in the lives of children anymore. But for him, they were a treasure. There, between the lines of decaying documents, he had found the blueprints for his own dream. He had studied the pictures of hovering vehicles, analyzed every technical specification, and crafted his own designs.


Piece by piece, Kai had built the hover scooter. Each part was a small triumph, each problem solved a step closer to his goal. The parts he needed he had obtained in secret, financed by the meager allowance he had painstakingly saved. Nights were spent adjusting the mechanics, wiring the electronics, and striving for the perfection he had envisioned. It was painstaking work that demanded all his patience and ingenuity, but Kai never gave up. He was determined to make his dream a reality.


Today was the day the last missing part was finally supposed to arrive. It was the crucial component that would allow his hover scooter to finally lift off the ground. Until then, all Kai could do was wait—and spend his time doing what he did best: tinkering and dreaming.


The janitor's shed had become Kai’s secret refuge. It was an unremarkable building, little more than a rickety hut on the edge of the orphanage grounds, hidden between the overgrown trees and bushes that bordered the property. The shed was dark, musty, and full of cobwebs, but for Kai, it was a sanctuary. A place where he felt free, where for a brief moment, he could leave the oppressive reality behind.


It had taken time and persuasion, but in the end, the old janitor had allowed him to use the shed for his tinkering. The janitor was a kind old man, long overdue for retirement, but the post-war economy left him with no choice but to keep working. The man had seen a lot of suffering, both in his own life and in the lives of the children who came to the orphanage. Maybe it was this constant sight of misery that had driven him to help Kai—or maybe it was simply the joy of giving a boy the chance to chase his dreams.


Kai spent his day following his usual routine. He skipped class—more often than he’d admit—to focus entirely on his work in the shed. He relished the silence that tinkering brought him. In that quiet, he could disconnect from the bleak world outside and immerse himself in his work. The final preparations for installing the missing piece were nearly complete. His hands worked methodically, his blond-black hair hanging slightly damp in front of his eyes, as his thoughts drifted to the moment when he would finally see his hover scooter soar.

It was late afternoon when Kai stepped out of the shed and decided to check if the package had arrived. His fear of being caught had almost entirely faded at this hour. He navigated through the crumbling corridors of the orphanage, passing the dreary classrooms where the children were still subjected to the endless monotony of lessons. His footsteps echoed on the cold stone floor as he hurried down the stairs toward the janitor’s office.


But just as he rounded the corner, he bumped into a young girl. Her wide eyes sparkled with excitement, and she clutched a stack of books tightly in her arms. “Kai,” she said breathlessly, “the janitor has a package for you.”


Kai's heart began to race. “Is it the part?” he asked, his voice laced with both hope and impatience. The girl merely shrugged. As soon as the words left his mouth, Kai realized she had no clue about his secret project. It was an unspoken understanding, shared only between him and the janitor. “He just said it was for you,” she replied.


Kai thanked her quickly and rushed ahead. His heart pounded in his chest as he opened the door to the janitor’s office. The familiar, warm scent of oil and old wood greeted him, and the old man behind the desk smiled up at him. “There you are,” the janitor said in his rough but kind voice. “I was starting to think you wouldn’t show.”


Kai swallowed hard, his hands trembling slightly with excitement as he took the package. “Thank you,” he whispered, unable to hide the joy bubbling up inside him.


The janitor nodded, a look of both nostalgia and pride in his eyes. “I know what this means to you, kid.” He leaned back, his gaze steady as he studied Kai. His voice took on a serious tone. “Be careful out there, alright? It’s a tough world, but if you hold onto your dreams... maybe, just maybe, you’ll make it.”


For a moment, Kai stood still, staring at the janitor. He had never told him his plan, but somehow the old man seemed to know exactly what Kai was up to. It was as if he had understood from the beginning what all of those secret tinkering sessions had been leading toward. Kai nodded gratefully, unable to find the right words, and left the office with the package clutched tightly in his hands. He sprinted back to the shed, ready to install the final piece into his hover scooter.


The module Kai now held in his hands was small, but it was the key—the Photon-Warp engine part that would give the scooter the thrust it needed to finally move. It was the heart of his creation, the vital piece that would turn his dream of flight into a reality.


With practiced fingers, Kai slotted the module into place, carefully checking the connections and adjusting the settings with the precision of a seasoned technician. He knew every screw, every wire, every circuit of the hover scooter by heart. He had built it with love and determination, each step a small victory on the path toward his ultimate goal.


His heart pounded again as he flipped the final switch. A soft, melodic hum filled the shed, and the hover scooter began to vibrate slightly. Kai held his breath as the machine slowly lifted off the ground. It hovered only a few centimeters, but it was enough. It was proof that all his hard work, all the long hours of tinkering and dreaming, had not been in vain.


Kai exhaled deeply. This was the moment he had been waiting for. Carefully, he climbed onto the hover scooter, feeling the machine respond to his slightest movements. It was as if the scooter had become an extension of his own body. Knees slightly bent, hands gripping the handles, Kai let his body sync with the controls.


With a gentle press of the throttle, Kai gave the engine a small boost, and the scooter shot forward. The old wooden doors of the shed burst open as Kai flew out. The sudden surge of speed caught him off guard, nearly knocking him off balance. But he quickly regained control, and a mischievous grin spread across his face. He had done it.


The cold evening air whipped against his face, filling him with an exhilarating sense of freedom as he soared over the orphanage grounds. The world beneath him blurred into a swirl of colors and shapes as he carved a wide arc over the property.


From the windows, the children watched him, their faces painted with awe and envy. Some pressed their noses against the glass, while others waved frantically, hoping to catch Kai's attention. But in that moment, Kai had only one goal: the headquarters of Reece Racing, the best Galaxy Racer team on Earth.


The hum of the hover scooter echoed across the yard as Kai headed toward the massive iron gate of the orphanage. Just before he reached it, the gate swung open, and a middle-aged woman stepped through. It was the headmistress, a formidable figure with a face as cold as granite and a voice that could send shivers down your spine. Her name was synonymous with discipline and punishment among the children, and Kai had felt her wrath more than once.


But today was different. Today, Kai was escaping, and nothing could stop him. With a sly grin, Kai pressed a small button on the scooter’s control panel. Instantly, the gravity field beneath the hover scooter surged, and Kai rose higher into the air. The headmistress’s eyes widened in shock as Kai soared over her head, escaping to freedom. As he glanced back one last time, he saw her standing there, her expression frozen in disbelief as the dust of his departure swirled in his wake.

The road to his destination stretched for several more kilometers, but Kai had already left the suburbs behind. What had once been well-kept neighborhoods now appeared desolate and abandoned as he sped through the empty streets on his hover scooter. The dark hills surrounding him were dotted with crumbling houses and deserted shops, mere shadows of their former selves. The previous residents had long since moved to the new megacities built after the war, leaving the landscape to be swallowed by darkness. Flickering streetlights cast ghostly glows on the asphalt, the only reminders of a world that had moved on.


Kai felt the cold wind whipping against his face, the slight resistance of the air pressing against his body as the hover scooter glided almost silently over the ground. The world around him blurred into a distorted stream of light and shadow, but his focus remained fixed on the road ahead. The speed, the risk, the overwhelming sense of freedom—all of it merged into a rush that sharpened his senses and cleared his mind. In this untamed flight from his past and the suffocating reality of the orphanage, Kai found the energy that kept him going, pushing him further into the uncertainty that stretched like an endless horizon before him.


The ride seemed endless, as if time itself had ceased to exist. Kai wasn’t sure how many hours had passed, only that he had to keep going, always forward. His body was tense, his muscles burned from the strain, but he ignored the pain. His eyes stung from the wind that whipped across his face, yet he didn’t blink. There was no room for weakness, no time for fatigue. Not yet.


Finally, just as exhaustion began to creep in, Kai spotted an old, dilapidated gas station. It was a relic of a time long past, a silent testament to the world’s transformation. The pumps were rusty, overgrown with wild plants that seemed to reclaim what had been lost to human hands. It was a bleak sight, but to Kai, it was a welcome place to stop.


Slowly, he brought the hover scooter to a halt and let it settle gently beside the overgrown ruins. He dismounted, his legs feeling weak, but it wasn’t enough to slow him down. He glanced around and noticed a small, rundown kiosk by the roadside. It was one of the few places still operational after the war, a rest stop for transporters traveling between the ruins and the new cities. Kai had already covered half the distance and now found himself in the middle of nowhere, between his old hometown and the new megacity.


Kai grabbed a snack, paid with the few coins he had left, and stepped back outside into the cool night air. The bench he sat on groaned under his weight, its wood old and brittle, but it held. The wind carried the scent of rain and rust, a reminder that nature always reclaimed its ground, no matter how hard humans tried to hold control. Kai took a bite of his sandwich. It wasn’t anything special, but it tasted better than anything he’d ever had at the orphanage. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting the wind brush through his hair. It was a brief pause, a moment to catch his breath before the next step on his journey.


But his peace was short-lived. In the distance, he heard the low hum of a vehicle, growing louder until it came to a stop near the gas station. Two uniformed men stepped out of the police vehicle, their figures bathed in the eerie glow of the station’s lights. Kai quickly pulled his hood lower over his face. His heart began to race, a mix of fear and determination surging through him. He didn’t know if the orphanage had already raised the alarm, but it was very likely that the authorities had been informed—after all, he was still a minor, and his escape wouldn’t go unnoticed.


One of the officers gave Kai a scrutinizing look, as if trying to see through the shadows and peer into his soul. The man approached with measured steps, each one seeming to carry the weight of Kai’s decisions and the dream he was chasing. Kai felt his heart skip a beat as the officer finally stopped in front of him. The policeman pulled out an old, faded photo from his jacket and held it out to Kai. “Have you seen this boy? He’s reported to have run away from an orphanage earlier today.”


Kai forced himself to stay calm, even though a thousand thoughts raced through his mind. He pretended to study the photo, though he already knew what it showed. The picture was old, so much so that he was almost unrecognizable in it—at least ten years had passed since it was taken. Still, he shook his head. “Doesn’t look familiar,” he said, his voice deeper and rougher than usual, hoping the officer wouldn’t grow suspicious.


The policeman eyed him for a long moment, as if trying to decipher the truth hidden in Kai’s eyes. It felt like time itself had frozen, the second stretching out with the weight of the world pressing down on Kai. Finally, the officer nodded, though hesitantly, and tucked the photo back into his pocket. “If you see him, be sure to report it to the police.” With that, he turned and walked toward the kiosk, while his partner waited outside.


Kai felt the tension drain from his body as the officer’s gaze left him. The sandwich he had almost finished slipped from his fingers as he hastily stood up. His instincts screamed at him to get away as quickly as possible, before the police grew suspicious. With a nervous glance over his shoulder, Kai rushed to his hover scooter, jumped on, and fired up the engine. The moment the scooter lifted off the ground, he shot away, the wind in his hair and the drone of the engine filling his ears. Even as he sped off, he heard the faint hum of the police car behind him, but he didn’t care anymore. He veered off onto a narrow forest path and waited until the patrol car passed by, seemingly uninterested in chasing him down.


With his heart still pounding wildly, Kai sped down the dark road. The sun had long since set, and the silhouette of the megacity loomed faintly on the horizon. But Kai knew this was only the beginning. He wasn’t safe yet, but he had taken the first step—the first step toward the stars. And nothing would stop him now. He was ready to face every obstacle, to defy every danger, to reach the dream that drove him like the unrelenting pulse of the universe itself.

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