Session 5: The Soul of the Storm Child Report

General Summary

The Claw convinces the Fox to agree to a Zone of Truth, granting them three questions. They inquire about his role for the Emperor, and the Fox replies, 'I am to help the dragon island's people reach their destiny.' For the second question on the meaning of the Emperor's dictums, the Fox answers, 'The Emperor seeks to restore his beloved to her rightful place.' Nyxek realizes the Emperor refers to the five-headed Mother. The final question probes what could grant authority to command the empire for this dream. The Fox discloses the existence of a Rod of Rulership of the Red Dome, currently with the Mistress of Storms, who might give it to someone returning her son. The Fox is then brought to Draxelas, and they engage in a snark-off. Draxelas agrees to a geas to serve Nyxek for a month for loyalty investigation.

Paragon Prophet arrives to report a weird undead Kraken ship causing problems. The giant child's soul has been taken by the lich aboard that ship. The Claw dives down a dead leviathan's gullet, battling skeletons with Nyxek turning them. A strange captain with a scepter and a clockwork arm invites them. They find a chemical mixing half-dead guy with bodies, seeking the scepter to restore his Lenore. The Claw asks if he can free the giant child's soul, and upon the half-dead's lies, they kill him and Lenore. They find mushrooms and potions, drinking the potions and saving the mushrooms. They then confront the captain in his chain-filled chamber, where the chains halt Paragon Prophet's flight. Draxelas animates chains to assault the captain, resulting in an epic magical fight with counterspells galore. Kal eventually beheads the captain with his longsword. Nyxek destroys the scepter to free the giant child's soul, and the party scours for loot.

The Loot

I have located and secured the horde of the Pirate Lich. As a full member of the Claw of Nyxek, I say that we split it all evenly and claim lots! What say you my fellow and equal adventurers?? I have categorized everything and feel like I am almost ready for my dracomorphosis!!

2,300 pp 14,000 gp

750 gp art objects (×5; worth 3,750 gp total): Bottle stopper cork embossed with gold leaf and set with amethysts, ×2 Carved harp of exotic wood with ivory inlay and zircon gems Gold dragon comb set with red garnets as eyes Ceremonial electrum dagger with a black pearl in the pommel

Amulet of the Planes Rod of Security Cloak of Protection Trident of Fish Command Figurine of Wondrous Power, Silver Raven Potion of Gaseous Form Scroll of Protection +2 Arrow (10) Cap of Water Breathing Robe of Useful Items Elemental Gem, Yellow Diamond Potion of Resistance Mariner's Breastplate Oil of Slipperiness Horn of Silent Alarm Candle of the Deep Ruby of the War Mage Ear Horn of Hearing Staff of Adornment Staff of Birdcalls Clothes of Mending Bead of Refreshment

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